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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 176

Stefan laughed, saying, "We're practically tied at the hip now."

"You mean we're together all the time, whether at work or home, we're inseparable."

"Exactly my point."

"You want it this way?"

Stefan's smile widened, "Yes, very much. Can you fulfill my wish?"

Lucinda was quite pleased with herself.

"I'll think about it."

"No rush, take your time. We'll wait for the paternity test results. If they really are your family, you might have return back to Skywatch with them. You'll probably have to do a few more paternity tests. Who knows when you'll actually inherit your share of the estate."

He was planning for her.

If she was clueless about all this, she could easily be exploited or even hurt in a family as complex as the Blue family.

Actually, Stefan didn't wish for Lucinda to enter the complicated world of business. She liked her life simple and quiet. He was capable of protecting her and giving her the life she wanted.

But her lineage forced him to change the plan.

"Serendipity Cafe is my and Cecilia's first venture. Although it was in the red at the beginning, it's now making a profit. I can't bear to let it go."

Lucinda had poured a lot of heart into Serendipity Cafe.

She wrote novels to earn money so she could keep Serendipity Cafe running.

"But you're right. Even if I don't like it, if I really am the Blue family's daughter, I have my responsibilities and my life to face. Running away isn't the answer, and I can't always depend on you. Since I was a kid, my mom taught me to stand on my own two feet."

"After Janice gets discharged, we'll see if she and her son will go home or stay in Pinehurst. If they go back to Skywatch, I'll work at your company. I won't be your assistant, and I'll start from the bottom."

"I know my worth. If you gave me a high position, I'd fail. I need to take it step by step, gain experience, and lay a solid foundation."

Stefan gently lifted her chin and lightly bit her lip, correcting her, "What do you mean my company? What's mine is yours, remember? From the moment we got married, what's mine is yours, and what's yours is still yours."

"You're starting from the bottom? At first, you might be doing grunt work like printing and copying documents. Anyone can assign you tasks. But at Ascend Global, I don't think anyone would dare mess with you, and our relationship is public. You're my wife."

Lucinda looked troubled, "True, they all know about us. I might not learn much."

She thought for a moment and then said, "No worries, I'll put on some makeup and blend in. People might think I'm just a namesake of your wife."

Stefan quietly looked at her, then asked, "How's your makeup skill?"

"Average. I don't actually like makeup, and I usually go bare-faced."

"In that case, forget about it. I don't expect you to change your face with your makeup skills. I'll hire a professional makeup artist for you. She can do your makeup every morning. Her skills are top-notch. She can transform you into someone your parents won't recognize if that's what you want."

Lucinda was thrilled, "Really? I've heard about some amazing makeup artists, and people look completely different after their makeup."

"I don't need something too dramatic, just make me look average."


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