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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 184

"It's pretty late now, and your mother is probably in bed, right?"

"Nah, my parents spend their days tending the fields and the orchard. They usually don't catch a break until after 10 pm."

The only time her parents would be home early was when she and her brother were coming over.

Lucinda had a good grip on her parents' routine.

"Then you better ring your mom up pronto."

Cecilia picked up a rag to wipe the table.

Fiona Lewis Moore, fresh from the shower, saw her husband engrossed in his phone, "Didn't Lucy call? I've been sneezing all day and in my experience, one of the two kids always calls."

"It's usually Lucy."

Daughters always seem to be more caring.

Their son wouldn't call home for a month unless there was something up.

"Lucy is busy renovating her shop, she must be swamped. We've wrapped up our work for the day, if you miss Lucy, let's go to the city tomorrow and surprise her."

Fiona had barely sat down next to her husband when her phone rang.

"That's got to be Lucy."

She picked up her phone from the nightstand, seeing the caller ID read "baby", she grinned, "I'm always spot on, whenever I start sneezing, that's Lucinda missing us."

Vincent chuckled, "There was one time you had a cold and you wouldn't stop sneezing."

Fiona playfully slapped him and picked up the call.

"Lucy, still buzzing around the shop this late? Head home and rest, don't run yourself ragged."

Despite Lucinda marrying into wealth, Fiona never suggested she just sit back and live a lavish life.

She believed Lucinda should have her own career. Even if she didn't make much, at least she'd have her own income and financial independence.

"Mom, I'm not tired, are you and dad done for the day?"

Vincent leaned in to hear what Lucinda was saying. Hearing his name, he jumped in, "Lucy, I'm here. I'm still up, if there's anything you want to tell me, go ahead. Now that you've called, I'm sure I'll sleep like a baby tonight."

"Dad, I miss you, and mom too."

Vincent's face lit up, "You won't have to miss us for long, I'll bring your mom to the city tomorrow. We've got nothing going on at home, we can stay in town for a couple of days, take your mom out and about."

"Really? I'll have Stefan come pick you guys up."

"No need, Stefan's busier than ever. He's the big boss, his time is precious. A big shot like him makes a fortune every minute, just thinking about the time it takes to drive from downtown to our house, I feel like he's losing a lot of money. It's heart-wrenching."

Fiona added, "Lucy, don't have Stefan come get us, I'll call your brother to see if he's free. If he is, he can pick us up, along with your grandparents, they haven't been to the city in a while."

"If he's not available, we can take the bus. We wouldn't want your grandparents to be worn out."

"Anyway, your brother's still single, even if he's raking in dough, there isn't a woman to help him spend it. He might as well take a day off and come pick us up, you and Stefan need to make money for the family. Once you guys have kids, there'll be even more expenses."

Lucinda was speechless.

"Lucy, is the renovation of your shop all done?"

"All done, the shop is back in business."

Fiona laughed, "That's great. When your dad and I go tomorrow, we can lend a hand. Otherwise, we'd die of boredom."

Living in the countryside, they were used to being industrious with lots to do every day. People used to the hustle and bustle would find it boring once they stop.

Lucinda wanted to tell her parents she'd found her biological mother, but with her mother chatting about everyday life, she hardly had a chance to get a word in.

Stefan pulled his Maybach up to the Serendipity Cafe. Mr. Coleman, donned in a suit with a light blue tie and shiny black shoes, looked mature, handsome, and every bit the nobleman.


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