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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 216

"I'm planning to pay Lucinda and Stefan a visit."

Madeleine touched her face confidently and narcissistically and said, "I've seen a picture of Lucinda. She seems like a straightforward and naive girl. Girls like her usually don't understand what sexy means. Maybe Stefan is just used to dealing with strong women, so he finds Lucinda refreshing. But once I show up, I guarantee they'll get a divorce."

If she can't get rid of Lucinda, she'll steal Lucinda's husband, ruin her marriage, and make her lose the support of the Anderson family.

Mr. Porter reminded his daughter, "Your target is Nathan."

"Dad, I know. I won't seduce Stefan. I'll make him attracted to me."

Mr. Porter looked at his daughter and said, "Madeleine, I don't agree with your approach. You don't know Stefan well enough. He's not like most men. He doesn't have the weaknesses that most men have."

After learning that Lucinda had the Anderson family as her background, he began to collect information about Stefan to understand this young man better.

"Madeleine, if you really want to go to Pinehurst, you must conceal your true identity. You should approach someone as a partner and have that person help you deal with Lucinda. She'll definitely be willing."

"Dad, who is this person?"

"Ruby. She has been secretly in love with Stefan for over a decade. Almost everyone thought she would end up marrying Stefan, including herself, but Lucinda stole her spot. Therefore, she hates Lucinda intensely."

"Stefan's nemesis, Owen, is deeply in love with Ruby, so he's also a pawn that can be used. You just need to use them properly, and you won't even have to lift a finger or even show your face to get the results you want."

"Out of jealousy, Ruby tried to sabotage Lucinda's coffee shop and was detained for fifteen days as a result. Her recently transferred domestic business also suffered from Stefan's suppression. Her business has been severely affected, and all the money she invested has been lost."

After hearing this, Madeleine's eyes sparkled. "Dad, you're really something. You even managed to find all this out."

"Know your enemy, and you can defeat them."

Mr. Porter's eyes were fierce.

For years, the Porter family had been inferior to the Blue family, so he harbored deep resentment towards the Blues. He hoped for internal discord within the Blue family. That way, he could seize the opportunity to replace them and become number one.

If it weren’t for this, how could he bear to tie his beautiful and young daughter to Nathan?

His daughter was just a pawn he used to bring down the Blue family.

"So, if Owen is deeply in love with Ruby, why didn't he help her when her business was being suppressed?"

Mr. Porter gently tapped Madeleine's forehead and said, "I've given you so many connections, but you don't know how to use them. As I've said, know your enemy, and you can defeat them. If you know nothing about them, you're bound to fail."

"The real leader of the Martinez family is Trenton. He has always suppressed Owen, so Owen couldn't help Ruby. But this is actually a good thing. Madeleine, it's your golden opportunity. You must seize it."

Madeleine nodded.

"Before you go to Pinehurst, I'll compile all the recent events there for you. You should read it carefully and understand everything before you take action."

Madeleine nodded again, then said, "Dad, I must. Otherwise, I won't feel secure. There are too many women around him."

"You don't know how to use drugs?"

"But he doesn't drink the coffee I give him or any other drinks. I don't have a chance to drug him."

Mr. Porter sighed, then motioned for her to come closer. He whispered something in her ear, and Madeleine's eyes suddenly lit up.

The Blue family

Nathan was on the phone in his study.

Due to the privacy of his study, no one could hear what he was saying on the phone.

Even his personal bodyguard couldn't hear.


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