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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 22

"I worked hard to marry her. Who else would I spoil if not her?"

Stefan's words had Edgar staring at him.

Edgar stood up, leaning on the table with his hands, leaning forward slightly, and said with a grin, "Mr. Coleman, Stefan, we're not just boss and employee, we're friends, and old schoolmates. You were the one who strongly recommended me to join Ascend Global. I've worked here for several years, and there are many people willing to offer me higher pay to headhunt me, even your competitor Owen has approached me multiple times. Yet, look at me, still faithfully working for you. You can't keep things from me, right? Is your wife that woman you love? The one you had a crush on for many years and finally won her over? Is it that girl named Ruby?"

Edgar had heard about Stefan and Ruby's story.

Other than Ruby, he couldn't think of any other woman.

His boss was a cold man, never involved with any woman in any scandal.

Ascend Global's entertainment company has signed many celebrities and models, anyone who has met Stefan would fall for him, of course, it could be because of his status and wealth.

But besides all that, Stefan himself was quite remarkable.

In the past, some tried to create scandals, hoping to hype things up using Stefan, but that once famous actress was now forgotten, fallen from grace to working at a supermarket.

So, besides those wealthy young ladies, stars, and models, no one else dared to have any ideas about him, afraid of ruining their own careers.

Stefan stood up, pushed Edgar away, and walked around the desk.

"Edgar, remember, my wife is Lucinda Moore."


Edgar immediately recalled the rich young ladies of Pinehurst, but couldn't remember the Moore family.

Which family's rich daughter was this Lucinda?

Edgar's curiosity was piqued.

He picked up the file, quickly catching up to Stefan's pace, curiously asked, "Stefan, what does your wife's family do? How did you meet? Did you get married right after you met?"

Edgar never thought Stefan would have a shotgun wedding.

If it wasn't for Stefan's social media update last night, Edgar wouldn't have known his boss was already married.

Oh right, the Lady Boss was also a writer.

"Let me tell you, my wife can only be Lucinda. Besides her, no other woman could possibly be the Lady Boss. Don't lump me together with Ruby or anyone else, to prevent my wife from misunderstanding that I'm cheating."

Edgar was helpless.


Stefan's tone was very serious.

Edgar knew he couldn't ask anymore.


Iris walked over, following behind Stefan and Edgar, heading towards the conference room.

This meeting was held on the 86th floor's conference room.

At this moment, all the senior management staff had arrived early, waiting for their CEO, Stefan.

In front of Lucinda, Stefan usually appeared elegant and kind, a perfect gentleman.

However, in the company, his image was cold and ruthless.

Other than Edgar, this chief assistant, who dared to be a little more frivolous in front of Stefan, no one else dared to act rashly.


Iris pushed open the door of the conference room, behind her, Stefan and Edgar entered one after another.


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