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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 259

Megan looked at her daughter, who was excited to madness, feeling helpless, and heartbroken.

She felt her daughter was losing her mind over Stefan!

What's wrong with Owen?

Owen loved Ruby so much, but she'd rather pursue Stefan and face rejection than be with Owen.

Megan felt that if Ruby continued like this, she might lose Owen.

After some thought, she called Owen, hoping he could come and take Ruby away.

Owen answered her call.

After listening to her, Owen was silent on the other end of the phone for a long time. Just when Megan thought he wasn't going to speak, he calmly said, "Mrs. Scott, I'm in a meeting right now. It's not convenient for me to come over."

"Owen, this is about Ruby. What meeting is more important than Ruby? Hurry up and come take Ruby away. She's about to lose it."

Megan said naturally.

He can't blame her for saying this, and it's a habit Owen had fostered in them.

In the past, no matter what Ruby did or what happened, as long as they called him, he would drop everything and rush to Ruby's side.

For Ruby, he was always at her beck and call.

Owen didn't want to go, not just because Ruby had broken his heart but also because Ruby was near Serendipity Cafe. If he went there, Cecilia might see him, and he didn't know how Cecilia would mock him.

For some reason, Owen was getting increasingly irritated by Cecilia's sarcastic remarks about his selfless love for Ruby.

It always made him feel down.

Moreover, deep down, he was hoping that Lucinda and Keith would be involved in some scandal so Cecilia and Keith wouldn't have a chance to be together.

"Mrs. Scott, this meeting is crucial, and I can't stop it. You're Ruby's mother. If you can't persuade her, what use would it be for me to come over? The person she listens to the most is Stefan. Mrs. Scott, why don't you call Stefan and have him take her away?"

Megan was at a loss for words.

"Mrs. Scott, I have to hang up now."

Afraid Megan would keep nagging, Owen quickly hung up and even turned his phone on mute.

He placed his phone on his desk and zoned out.

"You should have refused her like this. I don't know how you used to treat Ms. Scott, but I've been your assistant for several years now, and I've seen how you've treated her. Ms. Scott treats you like a tool but won't let you have contact with other women. She keeps you to herself while pursuing Mr. Coleman. I've never seen such a,” Walter didn't finish his harsh words.

After a long silence, Owen said, "Walter, I know Ruby is using me, but we grew up together. Whether it's love or friendship, it's been nearly twenty years. I really can't let go."

Walter asked him, "Why can't you let her go? Haven't you seen Ms. Scott for several days and not called her? Mr. Coleman is severely suppressing Ms. Scott's business. Mr. Coleman threatened her while emphasizing that he and Ms. Scott didn't have the feeling that everyone thinks they have. His heart and eyes only have his wife. Despite this, Ms. Scott is still stubbornly clinging on. As far as I know, she's been to Ascend Global several times. She'd rather face setbacks than come to you. This shows that in her eyes, Stefan is precious, but you are insignificant! Maybe she's deluded into thinking that even if she doesn't come to you, you'll still love her deeply and give everything for her at the slightest hint. We're men, and we should have the dignity of a man, stop being a self-conscious follower."

Walter's words were a bit harsh.

He was just genuinely looking out for his boss.

"Walter, stop talking. I'm feeling confused right now. go and do your work. Let me have some peace."


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