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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 269

"Time for you all to head home, it's really late, don't worry about me. I'll wait a bit longer for Cecilia, if she doesn't show up, I'll close up shop and head back to my rental to rest."

Under Fiona's repeated urging, Lucinda and her husband had no choice but to leave that place with Janice.

Fiona watched them leave before she turned back to the store.

"Miss, you're really something else."

The shop assistant gave her a thumbs-up and said, "Lucy is lucky to have a mom like you. My own mom doesn't do half as good a job as you do. All she cares about is me giving her money. But no matter how much I give her, she hoards it all for my little brother to spend."

They were both her parents' children, but all the love went only to her brother, while she was treated like an ATM.

"Did you give all your salary to your mom?"

"No, I told her I don't make much. Half of my monthly wage goes to her and I keep the other half. I don't really spend much since I get food and drinks at the store, so I save most of it. I dare not let my family know about it, they'd take it all and spend it on my brother if they did. My brother is dating now. And he'll need a house and a car when he gets married. If they found out about my savings, I'd be working for nothing. As long as they don't know I have money. If they want to keep supporting my brother, it's their business, they can't rely on me. As for their retirement, I'll just do my duty, but I won't give them any extra money."

The girl's family favored their son and neglected their daughter. Her parents were keen on her helping her brother, but luckily, she had the presence of mind to hide part of her wage from them.

She knew that she had to plan for her future.

Fiona asked, "Won't your mom think your wages here are too low and force you to quit?"

"She tried but gave up quickly. Because Lucy married Mr. Coleman and became the lady of the Anderson family. My mom believes that there's a future for me working with Lucy and hopes that I could marry into a rich family too and give her a big chunk of money."

Fiona looked at her speechlessly.

"Please, don’t look at me like that, I don't have such thoughts, I know my limits. Lucy and Mr. Coleman are old friends. I don't want to marry into a rich family either. Why drag others into this mess when I'm already being exploited by my mom?"

If she married into a rich family, her husband's family would be treated like an ATM by her family.

"Girl, you're clear-headed, I support you. Tomorrow I'll talk to Lucy about giving you a raise. Don't tell your family about the raise, save it for yourself. You'll need a lot of money when you get married and have kids. If you can save enough, it's best to buy a house for yourself before getting married. Even if it's small, it's important to plan for yourself."

"I have such thoughts too."

While they were chatting, Cecilia and Owen returned.

The car stopped in front of the store, Cecilia unbuckled her seatbelt and said with relief, "Thank god, just enough fuel."

Owen, being surprised, asked her, "Why didn't you refuel when we passed the gas station?"

"I forgot, why didn't you remind me?"

Owen kept silent.

He had been chuckling all the way and forgot too.

"What are you waiting for, get out,"

Cecilia scolded him and got out of the car first.

After being scolded by his wife, Owen touched his nose and mumbled, "After driving for so long, you're still angry."

Cecilia's ears were sharp and heard his mumble, turned her head and glared at him, asking sternly, "What are you mumbling about?"

Owen was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "I was saying how wonderful you are, beautiful, kind-hearted, gentle, the best girl in the whole world. Everyone loves you, flowers bloom when they see you."

"Go on, I'm listening."

Owen scratched his head, speechless.

"You can't even flatter properly."

Cecilia turned and walked towards the store.

Owen quickly followed, saying, "I have no experience in flattering."

"What else can you do besides jumping off cliffs?"


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