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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 285

"What brings you here at this hour?" Cecilia asked casually after serving a customer some pastries. She whispered, "You're all dolled up like you're going on a date, driving a fancy sports car. You seem to be in a pretty good mood."

Owen straightened up, and as she was about to walk away, he followed her and said, "I can't eat when I'm alone at home, so I came here to have a meal with you. Maybe then I'll be able to eat something."

She didn’t eat like those so-called ladies who nibbled and said that they were full after just a few bites. She ate whatever she wanted, as much as she wanted, and didn’t care if she looked messy while eating.

Of course, she didn’t look bad when she was eating.

Anyway, Owen found it enjoyable watching her eat. It whetted his appetite and made him feel hungry too, so he could eat to his heart's content.

"I'm busy," Cecilia returned to the cash register as another customer came to settle the bill.

Owen had to make way for the customer. After the customer left, he admired, "Business seems to be doing pretty well here."

"Of course. Look at who's running this place. With me and Lucy as bosses, how could business not be good?"

Owen was stunned.


Those two had become famous young female entrepreneurs in Pinehurst, especially Lucinda, who was as famous as a top celebrity.

"Are you going to order take-out for lunch again? Don't eat so much junk food, it's not healthy."

Owen rested his hands on the table, his gorgeous eyes fixed on her, saying, "Now that you're free, let me take you out for lunch. If you're worried about leaving your shop unattended, I can call someone to help you. Where's Lucinda? How come I never see her every time I come to the shop? Both of you own this shop; why is it always you managing everything, and she doesn't do anything? She's like a boss who doesn't do anything but still shares the profit. Cecilia, don't you think you're getting the short end of the stick?"

Before he could finish, Cecilia started rummaging around.

Owen, a bit confused, asked her, "Cecilia, what are you looking for? Tell me, I'll help you find it."

"Hand me the broom."

Owen turned to where Cecilia was pointing, and fetched the broom for her, thinking he was being considerate, "Are you going to clean up? I can help you.Cecilia, why are you hitting me!"

Cecilia didn't hesitate a bit to whack him with the broom.

"That's what you deserve. You're always badmouthing Lucy in front of me, trying to sow discord between us. Owen, I'm telling you, I'm not falling for it. I didn't listen to a word you said."

Owen took a few hits from her, and after hearing what she said, he felt wronged and stepped back, putting some distance between them so she couldn't hit him anymore.

While rubbing the hit spots, he protested, "Didn't I just state the facts? Every time I come here, isn't it always you taking care of the shop? You're too busy even to have lunch with me, yet Lucinda gets to spend every day with Stefan."

Cecilia charged out from behind the cash register with the broom, heading straight for him.

Owen retorted, "Cecilia, if you hit me again, we're through!"

He didn't run or dodge, took a few more hits, and just complained loudly. Seeing that Cecilia didn't stop, he had no choice but to take the broom away from her.

The customers watched the event unfolding in front of them with great interest.

Avery was relieved that he was just a customer there. If he were with a girl who would brandish a broom at the drop of a hat, he feared he might get beaten half to death.

His boyfriend was the best, spoiling him rotten, never raising his voice at him, let alone resorting to domestic violence.

"Owen, get out of here right now!"

Without anything to hit him with, Cecilia angrily pointed at the door, ordering Owen to leave immediately.

"You're always stirring up trouble when you come here. Do you know where Lucy is? I wanted to eat seafood so she is out buying seafood. She'll cook it for me later! I'm telling you, if you badmouth Lucy in front of me again, I'll seal your mouth."


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