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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 298

Owen's eyes were glued to Cecilia. Remembering the agreement between them, she was just returning his kindness. They were a married couple only in name, so their private lives were none of each other's business.

She never interfered with his activities even when he was getting cozy with Ruby.

So, if she wanted to go out and broaden her horizons, check out some different types of hotties, what right did Owen have to stop her from doing so?

With that thought in mind, Cecilia felt a surge of confidence.

She picked up the wine bottle, filled Owen's cup to the brim, and poured herself a full glass as well.

After putting down the bottle, she picked up her glass and said with a smile, "Come on, handsome, cheers."

She took the initiative to clink glasses with Owen. Owen tried to wrap his arm around her, but was swiftly pushed away by her other hand.

As she pushed away his hand, Cecilia was still smiling, "Handsome, I don't even have a boyfriend yet."

Owen's eyes were deep as he teasingly said, "I can be your boyfriend."

Cecilia took a sip of wine, heard his words, leaned towards him, deliberately touched his face, and said, "You look familiar, have I seen you somewhere before?"

Tiffany chimed in, "I also feel like this handsome guy looks familiar. Now I remember, isn't this Owen, the president of the Ikella group? The heir of the Martinez family, worth billions!"

"Owen." Cecilia drew out his name.

Hearing her speak like that, Owen's cheek twitched.

Knowing her, the next thing she said won't be pleasant to his ears.

Sure enough, Cecilia said disdainfully, "So you're the one who got dumped."

Everyone was left speechless.

Owen's face changed, almost unable to resist splashing his drink on her face.

"Everyone knows how obsessed Owen is with Ruby. The whole thing about men and women is just like that, two people with so many years of feelings, if you say nothing happened, I really don't believe it. If Owen has been used by someone else, I'll pass. I'm a clean freak, I'd rather go barefoot than wear someone else's worn-out shoes."

As Cecilia mocked Owen, she was still glancing at him to observe his reaction.

He just changed color for a moment, then started drinking, without refuting her, let alone getting angry, Cecilia was baffled.

Although Owen's expectations of Ruby fell through, after so many years of feelings, Owen couldn't completely let go of it overnight. His protection of Ruby was well known.

To Owen, she was at that point a stranger, and not even a good-looking one. She mocked him in front of Owen, he just changed color for a moment, then started drinking as if he didn’t care about her anymore.

When did Owen become so good-tempered?

Cecilia's heart tightened, guessing that Owen had already recognized her because her voice didn't change.

Suddenly, Owen's handsome face leaned towards her, almost touching her face. If she slightly lifted her head, her lips would touch his.

He just had a drink, and the smell of alcohol was strong.

"You haven't tried, how do you know I'm second-hand?"

Cecilia retorted, "How do you try a man?"

Owen's eyes deepened. Cecilia felt that he seemed a bit like a cunning fox at that moment. Just as she was about to push him away, he suddenly hugged her waist, and the next moment, she was tightly held in his arms, and then, he whispered a few words in her ear.

Cecilia's face turned red hearing those words.

She pushed Owen away forcefully.

Lucinda and Tiffany were stunned, and they were eager to know what Owen had said to Cecilia that made her blush and look so angry suddenly.


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