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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 342

Ten minutes later.

Madeleine strutted into the office with an air of superiority. Rocking her hips in high heels, she made her way into Keith's office in a seductive manner.

Keith's secretary nervously explained to him, "Mr. Vice President, Ms. Porter insisted on seeing you. I couldn't stop her."

"Got it, you go get on with your work."

Keith gestured to his secretary to leave.

Madeleine was always pushy and aggressive. Even if he didn't want to see her, the moment she barged into Blue Corporation, his secretary could do nothing to stop her from doing what she wanted.

Madeleine walked up to him, leaning on his desk and looming over Keith.

Keith bore some resemblance to his father but was not as mature and steady as Nathan.

In Madeleine's eyes, Keith, two years her junior, was just a young lad. Although he had some skills, she didn't take him quite seriously, thanks to her reliance on the Porter family and Nathan.

Recalling her failed attempts to undermine Keith, Madeleine quietly toned down her arrogance.

She needed to take Keith seriously at that time.

He was her number one enemy. Only when Nathan had no heir would he be desperate enough to have a child with her.

Keith lifted his wrist, glanced at his watch and said coldly, "One and a half minutes of your five are already gone."

Madeleine calmly said, “Keith, I just have a few questions for you. Where is your dad?”

Without Nathan around, she had nothing to lean on and couldn't be pushy.

Madeleine slightly toned down her aggressive attitude.

Keith said coldly, “My father is closer to you than me. Where he went, shouldn’t you know that better? He never tells me where he's going or what he's doing. Sometimes, I even have to learn about his whereabouts from you.”

“Don't play the victim card. You're his son. Even if he's displeased with you, he's still your father. How could he not tell you where he's going? He said he was on a business trip. Where is he on a business trip? Does he need to hide it from me?”

She had gotten an aphrodisiac, planning to use it on Nathan, but he hadn't been home for days, leaving her with the aphrodisiac but nowhere to use it.

Madeleine knew that Nathan was very busy, but her patience had worn thin as she was eager to settle that matter.

Before Janice eventually returned, she had to truly win over Nathan. Only then could she make Janice mad enough to ask for a divorce, leaving a spot for her.

Keith coldly said, “This is an internal affair of the Blue family. If my father didn’t tell you where he went on a business trip, it definitely means that he doesn’t want you to know. Ms. Porter, I’m busy. Please leave and stop wasting my precious time.”

Madeleine's face turned cold. She glared at Keith for a long time, snorted, and then turned to leave.

Shortly after she left the room, Nathan called his son using a different phone number.

“Is everything okay at the company?” Nathan inquired.

“Hmm,” Keith's tone was cold, not saying a word more than what was necessary to his father.

Luckily, his mother was staying at his sister's house. If she had returned with Keith and his father, she would have fallen sick from Madeleine’s antics.

His mother was a gentle and graceful woman with a mild temper, no match for Madeleine and her dirty scheme.

In fact, it was Janice who no longer wanted to fight. If she wanted to, Nathan would certainly return to her.

When Nathan chose her as his wife, it wasn't just because he loved her. If she was too weak, the head of the Blue family wouldn't have agreed to their marriage.

Sensing his son's coldness through his voice, Nathan fell silent for a moment, and then asked, "Did Madeleine come to see you?"

"She has just left. She was very arrogant, acting like she was the mistress of the Blue family."

Keith's words were dripping with sarcasm, "You two have such a great relationship. You've only been away for a few days and she's already missing you like crazy, coming to me for answers. What an honor!"

Nathan was speechless.

“Your mother and I,”


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