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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 36

Ike instinctively asked, "Who is he? Isn't he Stefan? Is his name fake or something?"

Without waiting for Lucinda to continue, Ike said, "I told you before that Stefan is not someone you can control. He's a deep guy, don't be fooled by his current gentleness. Just by his aloof demeanor back in school, I knew his gentleness now is all an act. You should hurry up and divorce him. As long as our parents don't find out, mom won't keep bothering you about blind dates. You can still live your life freely.”

Ike was getting really annoyed with Stefan. The guy had sneaked off with his beloved sister. How could he possibly be okay with that? His attempt to badmouth Stefan in front of their mom didn't work. Instead, Stefan explained everything himself.

"Lucinda, you and Stefan haven’t consummate your marriage yet, right?"


"Good. Get a divorce, then when you meet a man you truly love, get married. By then, I promise I'll prepare a generous gift for you. I only have one sister, and I can't let your wedding be shabby."

Ike had already decided to work overtime to earn extra money and prepare a wedding gift for his sister.

"Let me explain."

Lucinda finally had a chance to speak. "Stefan's name isn't fake. He is indeed called Stefan, but he took his mother's surname. His father is from the Anderson family."

"So he took his mother's surname. I was his classmate for several years, and I had no idea."

"Stefan is also the CEO of Ascend Global and the heir to the Anderson family. He's not ordinary at all. He's the high and mighty heir to the Anderson family. I apparently hired a big shot as my husband."

Oops, she just spilled the beans.

Ike on the other side processed this information and immediately growled, "Lucinda, say that again? You're saying Stefan is your hired husband? You two aren't real? Lucinda, you've got guts!”

After his outburst, Ike felt that since it was a fake marriage, his sister didn't lose much. He suddenly thought his sister's boldness wasn't too bad.

"Wait, you said Stefan is the CEO of Ascend Global and the heir to the Anderson family? That guy hid it so well!"

Ike was also shocked. He wasn’t surprised that Stefan worked at Ascend Global because Stefan was exceptional. But being the CEO of Ascend Global was a real surprise.

The heir to the Anderson family? The heir of Pinehurst's number one family! Damn!

If Stefan was in front of Ike right now, he would definitely give Stefan a good punch.

"Lucinda, it doesn't matter what his status is. Since you two are just under a contract, dissolve it. Right, you two have registered, so even if it's a contractual relationship, you are now legally married. You need to go to get a divorce. Tomorrow, I'll take a day off and go with you to find Stefan. I won't rest easy until I see you two complete the divorce procedure."

Lucinda, "Bro, it's not so easy to get off this pirate ship."

"What do you mean?"

"Stefan won't divorce me!"

Ike, "I'm coming over right now!"

"Don't be impulsive. This is between me and Stefan. After all, I was the one who started it. I'll handle it. You don't have to come over."

"How are you going to handle it? He won't divorce you. He's clearly got you in his grasp! Bastard, I considered him as a classmate, a friend, a brother, and he stole my sister whom I cherished! "


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