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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 380

Cecilia looked at her family, all eyes on her.

Then, she glanced at Owen, his smile so dazzling that she couldn't bear to refuse him.

After a moment of thought, she said, "Actually, I already have the two types of flowers I like the most. You don't need to send me any more."

"Which two types of flowers do you love the most?" Owen hurriedly asked.

Knowing the enemy was key to victory, and the same rule applied when wooing a woman. By knowing what she loved, he could quickly win her heart.

Knowing her favorite flowers, he promised to send them to her every day.

Cecilia cheekily picked up his stack of cash and said, "Guess for yourself. If you can guess correctly, then we might have some sort of psychic connection. If not, then forget it."

Then, she loudly exclaimed, "Although the cash flowers look nice, please stop buying these useless things. I need to go now."

Owen was puzzled. He was using real money, so why did it suddenly turn into useless things?

After a moment of confusion, he quickly figured it out.

The sentence Cecilia said aloud was for her family to hear, so they wouldn't think that she was won over by his money.

Hudson, hearing his sister's proclamation, choked back a response. He wanted to say that the cash flowers Owen gave were all real. He had even disassembled a bouquet last night and counted quite a sum of money.

However, he ultimately chose not to expose his sister's lie.

The three elders of the Yates family looked at each other, and finally, Devon spoke.

"Owen, come here."

Owen quickly returned and stood by Devon's side, bending slightly, "Grandpa, what's up?"

"I'm Mr. Yates, please use my surname before calling me grandpa."


Owen agreed readily, but deep down, he knew he wouldn't change.

After his visit with his grandfather, Owen realized that the Yates family were all tough on the outside but soft on the inside. Although they didn't yet approve of Cecilia being with him, they respected Cecilia's choices.

Divorce was something Cecilia wanted to do, but it was her mother-in-law who used the identity of an elder to force him to fulfill Cecilia's wish for a divorce.

"In the future, don't send Cecilia such flashy bouquets. They're too eye-catching."

Owen was silent. This kind of money bouquet wouldn't wilt, after all.

Looking at Lucinda's garden full of flowers posted on Facebook, Owen felt that his roses, no matter how large a bouquet, were no match for Stefan's. Stefan's were potted plants that bloomed year after year. Every time they bloomed, Lucinda would remember Stefan's romance and deep affection.

He couldn't deny that when it came to romance, Stefan thought much further than he did.

Should he also follow Stefan's example and send Cecilia a garden full of flowers?

Well, if imitation could make Cecilia happy and show the Yates family his deep affection for her, then it was fine.

Stefan made a show of his affection for others to see, so why couldn't he learn from him?

"You haven't eaten yet, have you? Sit down and have breakfast with us. Let's have a couple of drinks. It's been a while since I've had someone to drink with."

Devon said as he looked at his grandson. Hudson quickly got up to get the wine and glasses.

Owen had a bodyguard and a driver, so even if he drank, it wouldn't affect him.

But he wanted to catch up with Cecilia.

Unfortunately, it was Devon who asked him to stay for breakfast and have a few drinks. If he refused, who knew what would greet him the next time he came? A pair of vicious dogs?

After much thought, Owen decided to stay and have a few drinks with Devon.

If he could keep the old man happy, it would definitely help his cause.

Devon was particularly fond of his granddaughter, after all.

Cecilia returned to her shop, opened the door, and quickly disassembled the cash bouquet before any customers arrived. It was too conspicuous.


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