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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 391

"Stefan, I hope you and Lucy will start a family soon. I dread the thought of not being able to meet my grandchild should something happen to me," Nathan said.


"My apparent neglect of Janice and strict treatment of Keith, it's all for their protection. Their risk diminishes when they're less in the spotlight. Even as the head of the Blue family, I can't guard them around the clock. And this is my dilemma. The rest is all about gathering evidence of the Porter family's crimes, as well as those committed by some people twenty-three years ago. When the time comes to close in, there will be a showdown. It's either them or me."

Nathan talked about life and death as if discussing the weather. He no longer wanted the Blue family to keep going like this. He was determined to rewrite their story and do away with the outdated traditions that prevented the family from living in harmony.

After all, money can sway hearts. It's the ultimate litmus test of human nature.

"Dad, tell me how I can help. I'll do whatever I can."

"Distance waters won't put out a nearby fire," Nathan sighed. Quickly regaining his composure, he added, "Stefan, don't worry. I'm eager to see you and Lucy get married and to meet my grandchild. In a while, take Lucy back to Skywatch. It's high time she returned to her roots. On that day, I'll also announce my estate plans."

Everyone knew that his billions would be divided between his two children, but no action had been taken yet. Once Lucy returned, he would put his plan into action.

"Perhaps this will bring more danger to Lucy and her brother. I'm getting old, and I can't shield them forever. They need to learn to face life's storms. If they can't hold onto the inheritance I leave them, then it's on them."

Nathan gazed at the clouds, his expression distant. "If there comes a day when Janice can forgive me, I would build her a cottage where we can retire, away from the bustling world."

But he wasn't sure if his wish could be fulfilled.

If he couldn't live to see Janice on the day he closed in, all he could leave her was a divorce paper and her freedom.

"Dad, talk to mom. I believe she'll understand."

"Janice doesn't want to talk to me. Besides, my frequent appearances with Madeleine these past years have indeed been a betrayal. I owe her an apology."

After a pause, Stefan said, "Dad, you've borne so much, and you let mom misunderstand and resent you. Even Lucy and her brother misunderstand you. Dad, you said Lucy and her brother are grown-up now and need to learn to face life's storms. How can they know if you don't tell them? Even if knowing more brings more danger, I believe they're willing."

Unfortunately, if something happened to their father, Lucy and her brother will be left with regret.

The regret of not being able to care for their father properly, of knowing the truth only after losing him, was a torture, a heartache, a pain.

Stefan didn't want his beloved wife to experience that.

Nathan fell silent.

"Lucy has recognized you guys. No matter how much you hide, she's already exposed and the danger won't reduce. So why should you bear the pressure alone? Talk to Keith and Lucy. If not to make mom forgive you, at least to make Keith and Lucy understand."

Stefan, being the head of the Anderson family, knew the burdens of a family head.

He also understood that a family head often had to prioritize the greater family over his own. He could understand his father-in-law's actions.

But he didn't agree with his father-in-law's silence, considering that Keith was already 24 and capable of holding his own.

"Kites fly high when the string is long, and eagles fly high because their parents let go. Dad, talk to Keith and Lucy."

Stefan knew that Lucy had many misunderstandings about her father.

Her preconceived notions made her less affectionate towards her father than her mother.

After a long silence, Nathan said, "Keith already knows what's going on. As for Lucy, I really wish she could remain carefree."

"Dad, from the moment you found her and recognized her, she was destined to be carefree no longer. She's also working hard to learn and choosing to let go of certain things she can no longer hold onto. Dad, Lucy is not as weak as you imagine."


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