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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 398

"Cecilia, fancy some late night grub? It's on me."

Cecilia, not missing a step, continued to stride towards his car, responding, "After all the snacks I've had at the theater, I don't think I can stomach another bite."

Owen fell silent for a moment. He'd slipped up by providing too many treats.

"Guess it's late. Let's head home."

Cecilia stood by his car, looking back at him.


Owen approached, unlocking the car, courteously opening the door for her. Once she was in, he shut the door, circled around the car and got in himself.

Glancing at her for a moment, he asked, "Did you enjoy the movie tonight?"

"It would've been better if you hadn't been all over me."

Owen looked genuinely apologetic. "I was really scared, didn't expect the movie to be that terrifying."

Cecilia scoffed inwardly: Yeah, right. You're such a bad boy!

"Next time, let's watch something different."

No more horror movies. Something romantic, something sweet.

Cecilia didn't respond.

Owen started the car, driving her home.

As they approached her home, a narrow lane, Cecilia asked him to stop.

"It's too narrow for you to turn around easily. Just drop me off here, I can walk the rest of the way."

Owen peered down the dimly lit alley, faintly lit by a few street lamps. His eyes flickered with worry, "It's late, don't you think it's dangerous for you to walk alone? What if you run into a drunkard or a pervert?"

Cecilia had already exited the car.

"People who live here are all old friends. We've known each other for decades. There's no danger."

"You should head home, goodnight."

Cecilia waved him goodnight and disappeared into the alley under his watchful gaze.

Owen got out of the car and followed silently.

Cecilia noticed but didn't comment. She even gave him a few points in her mind.

Ever since he'd left Ruby, his positive attributes seemed to be increasing.

In truth, he'd always had many positive traits but they had all been directed towards Ruby.

Old neighborhoods like this one, even with streetlights, were dimly lit. Some of the lights were even broken, no one had bothered to replace them.

The areas without light were particularly dark.

As Cecilia walked into the darkest part of the lane, she suddenly noticed a shadow darting towards her.

The shadow was coming at her and instinctively, she dodged the glinting object in its hand.

It was a knife!

"A robbery."

She heard a low voice.

Immediately, the figure lunged at her again.

Cecilia didn't think twice, she shot her foot out to kick the robber, but he swung the knife at her leg.

"Cecilia, watch out!"

Owen, who had been following behind, rushed forward.

His shout distracted the robber, causing him to miss Cecilia's leg, giving her the chance to pull back.

Suddenly, another shadow darted out, revealing a second robber.

Two robbers, both with weapons.


Owen rushed forward, standing in front of Cecilia. As the robbers lunged at them with their knives, he sprung into action, effortlessly repelling them. In the scuffle, he was nicked by one of the robber's blades.


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