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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 412

"Masked figures. Tough to track," Stefan remarked casually, his voice a mix of frustration and determination. Edgar had been burning the midnight oil, trying to piece together the puzzle of Lucinda's disappearance years ago.

Heaping more work on Edgar's plate would surely earn him an earful.

With a kind-hearted gesture, Owen chimed in, "Keith, let me hook you up with a detective agency I know. They're top-notch, real cream of the crop in their line of work."

Grateful for Stefan's offer, Keith warmly accepted, "I'd appreciate that, Mr. Martinez. Your help means a lot."

Turning to Stefan, he added, "You've done enough, man. I'll get the agency on it."

"Lucy, grab me some paper," Keith said with a sudden spark of inspiration. "I'll sketch her figure. While I can't recall her face under that mask, I can sure as heck draw her silhouette. It'll make the search a bit easier."

Lucinda quickly fetched paper and a pen for her brother.

Following Owen's recommendation, Keith was introduced to Darlene Bishop's detective agency.

The whole afternoon, Keith holed up in the corner, his pencil dancing across the paper, bringing the mysterious lady to life. Though her face was unknown, everything else was vivid in his memory.

As evening approached and the diner's hustle waned, they all settled down for a family dinner.

With some free time afterward, Lucinda sidled up to Keith to admire his work. "Wow, bro," she exclaimed, "I had no idea you had such an artist's hand. She looks as real as anyone I've ever seen!"

Keith glanced at his drawing with pride. "Dad made us take all those arts classes as kids, remember? Once high school hit, I dropped it for academics, but the basics stuck with me."

The mysterious woman had left such an impression that even after years without practice, Keith's talent hadn't faded.

Cecilia also peered over and praised Keith's handiwork.

Owen couldn't help but scoff playfully, "I can draw too, you know. Cecilia, how about I sketch your portrait tonight?"

Cecilia laughed it off, "With your arm all banged up? Let's save your artistic comeback for when you've healed up."

Owen's claim was no surprise to her. Most families did their best to cultivate their kids' talents with all sorts of extracurriculars, and the wealthy ones even more so.

Cecilia's comment made Owen beam; it was clear she cared for him.

Lucinda, still holding the drawing, mused, "This lady looks familiar. I'm sure I've seen her shape before."

"Lucy, you've met her?" Keith asked, the excitement clear in his voice.


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