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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 435

Business was booming for Cecilia's café, and with talks of expansion or even opening a branch, it seemed like her ability to rake in the dough was only going to get better.

The future looked as bright as a summer's day.

Olina thought about Ruby's career.

Ruby had had a thriving business abroad, or so she heard from Ruby; Olina had never seen it with her own eyes. But once Ruby brought the business back home, she crossed paths with Stefan, who launched a full-scale campaign against her. Ruby's company struggled to function, and her career came to a screeching halt, teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.

On the other hand, Cecilia had the support of Ascend Global, thanks to her close friendship with Lucinda, and with the affection of Lucinda's son, the backing of the Ikella Group as well. Her future was as dazzling as the stars.

Olina's expression softened a bit.

The old saying goes, "It's foolish to despise the young when they're down."

Cecilia was only twenty-four, just getting started in her career. Olina couldn't expect her to live in poverty forever. Who knows, in ten or twenty years, Cecilia might become a formidable CEO.

"Even if the café is a hit, the profit margins are slim. With some working capital, you can invest in more upscale ventures, like opening a beauty salon or a luxury brand boutique. The profits are much higher," Olina remarked coolly, offering advice to both Cecilia and Lucinda, though it was really meant for Cecilia. Lucinda was set to inherit a fortune worth billions.

It's true what they say, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Most people struggle all their lives and don't come close to making millions, let alone billions. And then there are those like Lucinda, born into such fortune they hardly have to lift a finger.

There was even talk of Lucinda dabbling in writing online novels. For her, a flop in writing just meant heading home to a billion-dollar inheritance.

Lucinda's eyes twinkled with thought.

Yes, with the right investments in a beauty salon or a luxury boutique, Cecilia could take the high-end route. If she could integrate into that elite circle, she'd see far greater profits and mingle with society's most esteemed ladies and heiresses.

Now that Cecilia agreed to be Owen's girlfriend, and likely his future wife, she was bound to assimilate into high society as the lady of the Martinez family.

By offering this advice, Olina was paving a way for Cecilia, implying that once she married into the Martinez family, Cecilia wouldn't be expected to just sit at home as a trophy wife.

Even if that was the expectation, it wouldn't stick.

Cecilia wasn't one to be content with domesticity, and with Owen doting on her, he'd never confine her to such a role.

"Thanks for the suggestion, Mrs. Martinez. I'll discuss it with Cecilia," Lucinda said with a gracious smile.

Olina didn't respond, instead picking up a pastry to nibble on.

Soon after, Shane arrived.

He apologized to Lucinda and quickly escorted his wife out of the café.

"Honey, be gentle, you're hurting my wrist," Olina's coquettish complaint floated back into the café.

The waitress shook her head and said to Lucinda, "Even though she's in her forties, she still talks all cutesy."

Lucinda laughed. "Maybe that's exactly what her husband likes."

Olina had no remarkable talents, nor was she particularly clever, but she was beautiful. Even now, as she was getting on in years, she still had an allure, a testament to how stunning she must have been in her youth. It's likely what ensnared Shane all those years ago.

After decades of marriage, without a single affair, it was clear Olina had a knack for keeping her husband's attention.

Lucinda mused that she didn't need such tricks; her own man adored her to the moon and back.

Once Shane had Olina safely in the car, he instructed his driver to take her car home.

"Honey, I've told you time and again, stop bothering Cecilia. The old man likes her a lot, and not just Owen. You can't afford to upset him. If he finds out you've been harassing Cecilia, he'll have your head," Shane lectured as he drove.

"And don't push our son too hard. If he decides to give it all up for Cecilia, you'll be the one crying."


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