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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 440

Cecilia glared at Owen for a moment before reluctantly accepting the cup of coffee he offered. With a hint of sarcasm, she remarked, "No wonder you're the head honcho of the Ikella Group. Always playing chess with people's lives."

Owen took the jab as a compliment and chuckled, "Thanks for the praise, Cecilia. As long as you don't call me a fool, I'm good."

Cecilia just rolled her eyes in response.

Right then, her phone rang.

"Where's my phone?"

"Right here."

Owen turned to get her phone and handed it to her, sneaking a glance at the caller ID—it was her future mother-in-law.

The moment Cecilia saw that it was her mom calling, her headache seemed to intensify.

She steeled herself to answer the call.


"Cecilia, do you even care about your shop anymore? What time is it? You haven't been in all morning, and it’s snowed under with customers."

Becca didn't outright ask what Cecilia was up to.

But her scolding tone made it crystal clear she was furious.

"Mom, I—I'm on my way. Is it really that busy this close to noon?"

"What, you've got a problem with being too successful?"

"No, Mom, not at all. I'm coming right now."

Becca huffed, "You'd better."

Cecilia knew her mother had a whole storm waiting for her, just itching to let loose. She didn't dare hang up first.

Fortunately, Becca ended the call quickly.

"My mom's rushing me to get back to the shop. She's probably pacing the floor there right now. I slept so long that I forgot I had a business to run."

Cecilia hastily gulped down the coffee and thrust the cup back into Owen's hands before turning to leave.

"I've already sent some help over. They'll manage no matter how busy it gets."

Owen set the cup down and followed her, saying, "Don't rush. I'll drive you."

He was playing his cards right; with his future mother-in-law angry, it was his duty to escort Cecilia and face the music with her.

Cecilia didn't reply.

Her headache was still fierce, and if it weren't for her mother's call, she might have preferred to keep sleeping.

Owen had indeed sent some bodyguards to assist, and while the shop was packed, they were handling it.

They hurried out of the hotel.

Only Jay, one of the bodyguards, waited outside for Owen.

"Mr. Martinez, Mrs. Martinez, good day."

Jay greeted them.

Cecilia ignored the formality in Jay's address. It wasn't worth the effort to correct him anymore.

"Drive Mrs. Martinez back to the coffee shop." Owen instructed.

He and Cecilia got into the car, with Jay at the wheel.


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