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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 443

Belinda was a force to be reckoned with—a true "tomboy" who did things her own way. When she had decided to confess her feelings, she couldn't care less about the setting.

That's right, Belinda wanted to lay her heart bare to Ike.

Their time together had deepened their bond, and Belinda felt herself falling for him—hard. She was a straight shooter, always forthright with her feelings. Having seen her own heart clearly, she was determined to confess to Ike. No more guessing games or beating around the bush—that was just a waste of time.

So, as Lucinda dragged Stefan away, Belinda stepped forward and handed Ike a bouquet of flowers, her sharp eyes twinkling with warmth. "Ike, I know it's usually the guys who give flowers," she said. "But I think a nice bouquet sets the scene for a confession."

"Lucy told me you're quite the green thumb. Thought you might like these."

Belinda had learned from her sister that Ike had a soft spot for plants, so she boldly bought flowers for her confession.

"Ike, we've known each other for a while, and we get along great. I really enjoy our time together and I want you to be my boyfriend. I'm looking at this with marriage in mind. Are you in?"

Ike's grin split his face.

This must be what being surrounded by happiness felt like.

He eagerly took the bouquet from Belinda, and in turn, handed her his own flowers, saying, "Well, Belinda, it's funny you should say that. I've been wanting to tell you I've fallen for you a long time ago. I'd be honored to be your boyfriend, with an eye toward marriage, of course."

Truth be told, if Belinda asked him to head to city hall right then and there for a marriage certificate, he'd leap at the chance.

"Ike, I've got a demanding job, and I won't have much time to spend with you. Our dating life might have to rely on phone calls, and dates will have to fit into my hectic schedule. You mind?"

When two hearts resonate, it's a joyful thing.

But Belinda wanted to lay it all out clearly.

The Bishop Group was a larger operation than Ike's company, and Belinda, the boss, was busier and more worn out than he was. She wasn't one to play the dainty damsel.

Dating her might indeed mean relying on a smartphone to keep in touch, and squeezing in the occasional dinner date around her packed calendar.

"I know, and it won't bother me," Ike assured her, understanding the demands of her career.

Only then did Belinda hand over a bag containing a new outfit and a tie. "For you, my boyfriend."

Ike took the bag with the new clothes, his smile broader than ever.

Meanwhile, Lucinda, who had been spying on them, turned to her companion and remarked, "Doesn't it feel like my brother and Belinda are sealing a business deal rather than confessing love? If it weren't for my brother's radiant smile, I wouldn't believe they were actually being romantic."

Stefan pulled her away, saying, "Everyone has their own way of expressing love. Belinda is just being herself, and since your brother has fallen for her, he's prepared for what that entails. Their marriage will likely be the same, but that doesn't mean they're without emotion. Some people don't express love with words; it shows in their actions and the little things in life."

"You're right," Lucinda conceded. "Now that they're official, I can finally tell my parents that my brother is off the market."


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