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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 450

Trenton’s gaze was icy as he spoke with a chilling detachment, “The Scotts left this country long ago, and now they dare to come back and disrupt the harmony of my family? Do they really think I can't do anything about them?”

Shane knew right then that the Scotts' peaceful days abroad were numbered.

If his old man decided to take action, he'd be far more ruthless than Stefan, who had only targeted Ruby’s career without taking his anger out on the entire Scott family.

Olina looked at Trenton with trepidation, and at her husband’s cue, she didn’t dare say another word. She quickly promised, “Trenton, I won’t associate with her anymore. As for Owen and Cecilia. I won’t interfere. After all, it’s Owen who’s getting married. If he likes Cecilia, then so be it.”

A son’s marriage isn’t his mother’s business after all.

And Cecilia was particularly favored by Trenton.

Olina feared that if she continued her stubborn ways, she might end up divorced and sent back to her parents’ home in her old age. How would she cope with that?

Sure, Megan was a dear friend, but when it came down to it, her own twilight years took precedence.

“Shane, Olina, pay a visit to the Yates with a generous gift tomorrow. We are to be in-laws, after all. You have to meet them officially. Remember to be courteous, and don’t give them the impression that you’re doing them a favor,” Trenton instructed.

Trenton was done with dilly-dallying and decided to play the heavy, scoring points for his grandson.

He hoped to hold a great-grandchild before his time came.

With the holidays just a few months away, he felt the years more keenly. He wanted to see Owen settled and happy, to ease his own passage.

Suddenly, Trenton found himself yearning for his first wife.

She was the one to whom he had given his truest affection, and she had left him all too soon.

He also secretly wished to outdo Mr. Anderson, who wouldn’t be seeing great-grandchildren from Stefan and Lucinda anytime soon. With the Andersons and Paisleys now related by marriage, Liam and his pregnant bride, Tiffany, were set to wed in a matter of days.

Drat, he still couldn’t outpace Mr. Anderson!

His moment of pride quickly deflated.

With Liam and Tiffany’s wedding drawing near, the Andersons had invited the entire Pinehurst elite.

Even the Martinez family had received an invitation.

Truth be told, Trenton was not keen on attending his arch-rival’s grandson’s wedding, suspecting it was a deliberate provocation.

To see all ten handsome and distinguished sons of Anderson gathered at his wedding would be the envy of many.

Just the thought was enough to make Trenton’s whiskers bristle with irritation.

After receiving his father’s orders, Shane cautiously asked, “Dad, when Olina and I visit the Yates, is it just a courtesy call, or should we formally ask for Cecilia’s hand for Owen?”

“Owen and Cecilia spent the night together. Shouldn’t he take responsibility for her? Regardless of what happened, we’re the man’s family, so we need to show some initiative and propose formally,” Trenton asserted.

Shane understood and replied promptly, “Dad, don’t worry. First thing in the morning, Olina and I will bring the gifts and pay our respects to the in-laws.”

“Good,” Trenton acknowledged, clearly pleased with his son’s understanding.

“Derek, help me out for a walk. I overate and need to walk it off. If Cecilia keeps coming over, I swear I’ll end up looking like a bloated ball.”

Suppressing a chuckle, Derek assisted Trenton on his walk.

Cecilia, for her part, was utterly unaware that Trenton, her former father-in-law had already given Owen the nod and arranged for a formal proposal.

After leaving the grand Martinez estate with Owen, she said to him, “Owen, it’s getting late, and my mom wants me home early. You should take me back, and we can check out those gifts some other time.”

“It’s only eight in the evening; we’ve got time,” Owen assured her. “Trust me, I’ll have you back home by half-past ten at the latest.”


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