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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 459

Owen had been lingering in the Serendipity Cafe for the better part of half an hour, nursing a cup of joe when Cecilia, the charming waitress with a glint of mischief in her eyes, nudged him to get a move on his workday.

He dragged his feet, secretly wishing for a torrential downpour to give him the excuse to play hooky. Unfortunately, as he escorted Cecilia back inside, the rain came to an abrupt halt.

"Cecilia, come on, see me off, will ya?" he pleaded with a grin.

She chuckled in response. "You don't know your way? It's just a few steps from the door. You really need me to walk you?"

Though she teased him, Cecilia turned around, heading back inside. Moments later, she emerged with a box of pastries, freshly baked by Basil, the cafe's renowned pastry chef. Tucking the box into a bag, she handed it to Owen. "You barely touched your breakfast rolls. I don't want you to starve, so here's a little something to tie you over."

"No charge, consider it a gift," she added with a wink.

Owen felt a warm buzz in his heart but couldn't resist a playful jab: "These are just for me, right? Not like those two boxes you gave to Ike Moore on the house."

He hadn't forgotten how Cecilia had once favored Ike with her generosity.

Cecilia's laughter filled the air. "Still clinging to that old story? You've got a heart smaller than a needle's eye. Now scoot, off to work with you!"

Yet, she couldn't resist walking him to his car.

As Owen reluctantly rolled down his window, he made one last request: "Cecilia, it's gonna be hours before I see you again. How about a couple of pecks to keep the longing at bay and spare me the pangs of lovesickness?"

"Owen!" Cecilia's face flushed with a mix of amusement and embarrassment. They were in the middle of the street, for goodness' sake, and he had the audacity to ask for a kiss!

She had her dignity, even if he seemed to have left his at home.

Knowing well that Cecilia wouldn't indulge him in public, Owen was merely stirring the pot. He glanced at Jay and Rex, ensuring Cecilia would have their assistance whenever needed, before reluctantly rolling up his window and driving off. Soon after, several cars filled with his bodyguards trailed behind him.

Cecilia was taken aback, realizing only then that Owen's entourage had been nearby all along. He was still the same Owen, never without his grandeur.

She watched his car disappear into the distance, then turned back to the cafe, asking Jay and Rex to stay inside. She didn't want their imposing presence to scare off potential customers.

The phone rang; it was Lucinda, inquiring about the cafe. After a brief chat, Lucinda had to head back to work, and a customer entered—a woman dressed to the nines, her belly slightly protruding beneath a tight dress, her long hair flowing, and sunglasses perched on her nose.

She bypassed the waitress and made a beeline for Cecilia.

"You're Cecilia, right?" the woman asked, her tone suggesting familiarity.

Cecilia eyed her guardedly. "May I ask who you are?"

Without waiting for a proper introduction, the woman pulled out a document from her stylish tote and slapped it on the counter in front of Cecilia.

"What's this?" Cecilia asked, perplexed.


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