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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 462

Ms. West's actions, a mere slip of paper, nearly led her to misunderstand Owen.

Cecilia considered herself kind-hearted, but she was no saint - she couldn't turn the other cheek indefinitely.

She would certainly not advocate for Ms. West.

Owen could do whatever he wanted; she would just watch and keep her mouth shut.

"Ms. Yates, I—I'll just be honest. I'm not actually pregnant. Kris put me up to tricking you. I don't know what beef you have with Kris, but he paid me a grand to lure you into that car, promising another two grand after the deed was done."

"I'm strapped for cash lately, really need that three grand, so I went along with it. I—I had no clue about any hidden truths."

Ms. West did spill the beans.

"Guess I was too greedy. Didn't do my homework before agreeing to help Kris with this."

Ms. West laughed at herself, a self-deprecating chuckle. If she'd known that Owen was the target, she wouldn't have helped Kris for all the money in the world.

Cecilia didn't respond. She fiddled with her phone, seemingly engrossed in a game. In reality, she was recording the whole confession to hand over to Owen for investigation.

"Ms. Yates, please let me go. Just tell those two guys outside not to stop me, and I'll leave right away."

The best plan was to make a swift exit.

Ms. West just wanted to bolt.

Forget the money, she no longer dared to take it.

All she wanted was to leave the café and head back to the countryside, swearing off city life for good.

"Look who's here," Cecilia suddenly said.

Ms. West followed her gaze to the door and saw Owen stride in, a thunderstorm brewing on his face. His authority, long established, radiated out as he approached. Ms. West's heart raced, and she desperately wanted to vanish.

She was done for. Completely done for.


Owen walked over, seemingly oblivious to Ms. West. He urgently grabbed Cecilia, eager to clarify, "Cecilia, please don't listen to any gossip. I haven't cheated—not before, not now, never in the future. My eyes, my heart, they're only for you."

"If anyone comes knocking, claiming they're carrying my child, you send them packing. They're definitely lying!"

Cecilia teased him, "You sure you haven't gotten tipsy during a night out and made a mistake?"

"Never. Absolutely not. I'm always careful. The drunkest I've ever been was that night I slept on your doorstep, and you woke me up with a bucket of ice water."

"Cecilia, believe me, I've never been with anyone else. I respect women too much to do that. If you don't consent, I'd never force you. Even with Ruby, it was the same."

Owen hated bringing up Ruby in front of Cecilia, but to clear his name, he had no choice.

He and Cecilia had come so far.

He wouldn't let anyone ruin it now.

And if he found out who was pulling the strings behind this, they'd regret crossing him, that was for sure.

"Where's that wretch? I want to ask her myself, who sent her to pin this on me?"

Cecilia nodded toward Ms. West.

"She's right there, how could you miss her."


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