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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 83

Stefan deduced from Lucinda's dreams that she wasn't an abandoned baby.

Edgar said, "You're talking about the Moore family, right? Ike would want to strangle you if he heard you. The Moores are all straight shooters, they wouldn't do something like child trafficking."

Stefan gave him a sidelong glance, "I'm just guessing that maybe Lucinda was once kidnapped and escaped, then was adopted by the Moore family."

What a wild theory!

The Moores would never be involved in child trafficking.

"So, if your wife was indeed adopted by the Moore family, how would you handle it?" Edgar asked curiously.

Stefan retorted, "What do you think I should do? Lucinda is my wife, whether she's a Moore by birth or not, that won't change. My decision to marry her has nothing to do with her background."

The Andersons, being top dogs in Pinehurst, didn't need to marry for status.

The elders in their family had always said that, although the previous generation might have needed to marry for power, their generation had the freedom to choose their own wives.

As long as the woman they liked came from a good family and was well-mannered, the elders wouldn't object.

Of course, they'd be happier if the woman was from the same social class. It's always easier when you're dealing with your own kind.

"You're the firstborn of the Andersons, the CEO of Ascend Global. If your wife doesn't come from a notable family, how will she fit into the high society of Pinehurst? Do you really think that just by giving her the Anderson name, she'll be able to hold her own in society? Unless she doesn't socialize at all, do you think that's possible?"

The women of the Anderson family were expected to accompany their husbands to various social events.

High society parties might seem glamorous, but that didn't mean there's no competition. After all, where there were people, there's competition.

Stefan already had a lot of suitors, and if his wife didn't come from a significant background, she'd definitely be bullied when accompanying him to these parties.

Recalling Lucinda's performance at their first party together, Stefan confidently said, "Even without a family background, Lucinda handled herself well at the party. She's naturally beautiful and can handle any situation. She seems to be born for the high society life."

"If she doesn't want to accompany me to these events, she's free to do as she pleases. We don't have a lot of restrictions in our family."

His mom and aunts lived pretty free and easy lives. His mom even chatted with the cleaning crew sometimes.

Edgar fell silent for a while, then said, "Lucinda must have done a lot of good deeds to have ended up with you."

Stefan doted on his wife a lot.

Edgar would bet that soon all of Pinehurst will be saying that Stefan spoils his wife without limits.

His boss was well on his way down that road and showing no signs of stopping.

"I'm not worried about that. What I am worried about is that my wife's mother would persuade Lucinda to leave me because I'm too rich," Stefan said, looking troubled.

Even without Lucinda telling him, he could guess this.

Lucinda's mother initially liked him a lot, but then she thought he was too rich and high-status for Lucy, even persuading Lucy to divorce him.

Edgar laughed, "Boss, so you do have moments when people don't like you."

"Shut it, if you dare to mock me, I'll send you off to some poor and remote place."

Edgar immediately stopped laughing.

He, being a man of refined tastes, didn't want to go to some backwater place.

"How's the investigation on those people I asked you to look into?"


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