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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 89

Owen walked into a chaotic cafe.

Ruby and her crew had turned the place into a disaster zone, with tables and chairs smashed into smithereens and shards of glass everywhere.

Owen kinda sighed inside.

The mess Ruby had created was going to be a real pain to deal with.

Stefan wasn't into Ruby in the first place, and with Ruby smashing up Lucinda's cafe out of jealousy, Stefan was definitely going to be pissed.

"Mr. Owen."

The bodyguard greeted him respectfully as Owen walked in.

Owen said nonchalantly, "You guys step outside. Keep an eye on Ms. Scott, don't let her back in."

"Sure thing."

The bodyguards all left.

Owen looked at the staff standing behind Cecilia and then addressed her directly. "Cecilia, can we have a moment alone?"

Cecilia, maintaining a neutral expression, responded, "Speak here. They've seen the damage Ruby did to my cafe. They're my witnesses."

The shop was equipped with security cameras, ensuring Ruby couldn’t deny her actions. With the police on their way, Cecilia was confident that even if they couldn't arrest Ruby, they could at least force her to apologize and compensate for the damages.

If not for Owen's associates restraining her, Ruby might have further confronted Cecilia, which only fueled Cecilia’s anger.

To Cecilia, Ruby was nothing but deceitful.

She wanted to marry Stefan, yet couldn't let go of Owen. She was jealous of Lucinda and regarded Cecilia as a thorn in her side.

What pissed her off the most was that Owen was head over heels for this nasty woman.

Cecilia thought Owen was a complete fool.

Mr. Coleman was a man of clear mind and good taste, he wasn't fooled by Ruby. Lucinda was a far better person than Ruby.

And yet, Ruby dared to compare herself with Lucinda.


Did she think she was worthy?

Owen was silent for a moment, then said, "Cecilia, I'm not denying that your cafe was smashed by Ruby."

"Ruby was indeed impulsive. She loves Stefan so much that she couldn't handle it, that's why she came after you guys. She and Stefan grew up together, their feelings..."

"Mr. Owen," Cecilia interrupted, "Do you not feel guilty saying all this? I don't care if Ruby and Mr. Coleman grew up together or how deep their feelings are. This cafe is my blood, sweat, and tears. I treat it like my own child. Ruby came and smashed it out of jealousy, and that's wrong. She should be punished."

"Mr. Coleman is married now, what is Ruby thinking? She insulted Lucinda in public. She wanted to interfere in Lucinda's marriage, yet she accused Lucinda of stealing her love."

Owen's expression turned grave. Once Cecilia had finished expressing her frustration, he asked, "How much do you want for the damages?"

In response, Cecilia, in a fit of anger, grabbed a mug from the table and hurled it towards him. Owen deftly sidestepped the flying object, but her act visibly upset him, causing his eyes to go icy and his demeanor to change.

He warned Cecilia, "Cecilia, don't think you can get away with this. Even if you call the cops, what can you do to Ruby with me around? All I can do is pay you some money. But if you cross me, I won't let you off easy."

"Mr. Martinez," she began, her voice trembling, "in a world governed by laws, do you truly believe you can act with impunity? Everything you've done has been documented. If it gets uploaded online, even your reputation could be at stake. Aren't you concerned that your Ikella Group might face scrutiny?"

Owen's expression turned grim. "My Ikella Group operates completely above board. I’m a legitimate businessman. Why should I fear any investigation?"

She retorted, "Are you clueless?"

Caught off-guard, Owen replied icily, "You're clearly upset. I won't engage further. Speak to me when you've calmed down."


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