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Fell Into His Love Trap novel Chapter 391

At that very moment, Skylar thought, The cologne is meant for women too. Maybe Tobias swings both ways. At that thought, a chill ran down Skylar’s spine. Tobias will be furious if he reads my mind.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Skylar then chatted briefly with Largo.

On the first day of joining the filming, Skylar belatedly realized Avery had yet to leave the crew. As it turned out, Josiah refused to let her go; he had given her a role as a side character who was slightly more important. It seemed like Josiah truly liked Avery.

Both Skylar and Avery went to the filming site on the same day. There, she encountered Thomas, the man Miranda thought about all day and night.

Miranda was still lying in bed, pretending to be ill. She was miserably waiting for the day Thomas would take her home. Yet, what he was doing was sending her daughter to the filming site as if she was a child who needed her father to send her to school.

When they encountered, Thomas had still been reminding Avery not to tire herself out and to take care of herself. Avery only nodded half-heartedly.

At that moment, Skylar wondered if she should have bought a lottery ticket. What kind of sh*tty luck do I have to witness this scene? Or are they deliberately pretending to be sweet in front of me?

Skylar did everything alone. No one sent her to the filming site, and no one reminded her about taking care of herself. Even Tobias did not know she had joined the filming crew.

Avery was wearing the same dress as Skylar was in the show—red. However, Skylar still looked better than Avery in it.

When the three of them locked eyes, none tried to make small talk nor did they greet each other. In fact, Avery looked as if she wanted to skin her alive.

Avery had sensed something amiss with Thomas. Generally, Thomas would at least stick around to chat since Tobias had taken over Quest Group. Yet, he did not.

After finding out about Skylar and Avery’s relationship, Kate finally knew why Skylar was only interested in the show after finding out Avery was one of the main characters.

Moving the chair to the doorway of the motorhome, she frowned and said, “Your relationship with your dad and your mother’s background is a ticking time bomb.”

At that, Skylar only forced a smile to her face and replied, “Society isn’t that nice to people like us. I even thought about having a peaceful quiet life working for the government, but unfortunately, some things are out of my control. The government checks the background of every employee they hire, and with my background, they won’t hire me even if I’m excellent with everything else who knew that I’d still have to worry about everything after joining the entertainment industry. I’m scared that someone will expose every part of my history and leave me bare for everyone to attack. I know it’ll happen eventually, but I just hope that the netizens will be more merciful when they attack me.”

Hearing that, Kate fell silent. It was a tough matter to deal with. It was one thing to have someone who had a bad credit history in the family, but it was a whole different matter to have a murderer in the family.

Skylar’s mother was a murderer, and her biological father was a man with a negative credit history. If someone were to find out about her family background, Skylar’s career was destined to be negatively affected.

It was rare for Skylar to see Kate stumped. She could see that it would be a grueling matter for her to deal with the ticking time bomb.

With a smile, she mumbled, almost to herself, “I’m not popular enough for them to investigate my history yet. If that day really comes, we’ll see what we can do. It’s not like we can do anything about it now.”


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