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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1467

Luisa shoved Zachary's hand away, whipped around, and said to Xavier, "Mr. Xavier, I just realized that your staff has such a hard-on against me. I'll break up with Zachary today and won't bother you guys again."

Zachary clutched her hand tightly, "Luisa, I really like you. Damian and Norah got you all wrong; we just need to clear the air."

Xavier noticed Luisa’s soaked clothes and asked in a deep voice, "Who did this?"

Norah answered sternly, "I did it."

"What the hell have you done now?" Xavier frowned.

Norah looked at Zachary, "Zachary, we've known each other for years; have I ever lied to you? Luisa told me herself that she doesn't give a shit about you. She just came here to stir up trouble. I got pissed and splashed water on her!"

Zachary kept a straight face, "Norah, I know you're a good girl. Otherwise, we wouldn't have treated you like a sister all these years. But I also know that ever since I started seeing Luisa, you've had it in for her. Every time she comes to the store, you're all upset. She's not going to take anything from you, so why are you so against her? She even told me she didn't mean to pick your flowers and wanted to apologize, but you splashed water on her."

Norah looked at Zachary incredulously and mocked, "Zachary, I always thought you were a sharp guy beneath that absent-minded exterior. I can't believe that you're actually this dense!"

Luisa, crying, said, "You don't have to put Zachary down like that. If you don't like me, I'll break up with him, but you can't belittle him like this! I know your family's loaded, so you look down on us average folks, but we have our dignity. You have no right to look down on us!"

After she said that, she broke free from Zachary's grip, "Zachary, let me go, let me leave. Once I'm gone, there won't be any more conflict!"

Zachary held on to her, "Luisa, I really do like you, really!"

Xavier, with an impassive face, looked at Norah, "Norah, apologize to Luisa!"

Norah widened her eyes, "I didn't frame her, so why should I apologize?"


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