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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1889

The two guys behind her were staring at Estelle like she was their next meal, a sneer playing on their lips, their intentions clear as day. Without even trying to hide their movements, one of them reached for Estelle's neck. "Hey, gorgeous, how about you forget the fare and hang with us for a bit, huh?"

Estelle's voice was ice. "Take your hand off me. Now."

The guy just smirked, that dark look in his eyes growing even more sinister as he pulled out a syringe, quick as a snake striking. But just as the needle grazed Estelle's skin, she spun around, her hand snapping up to grab his wrist and twist. There was a sickening snap, and the guy's howl cut through the air as Estelle threw him out of the cab like yesterday's trash.

He hit the pavement hard, rolling along the asphalt, his screams trailing behind him.

The other two guys inside the cab paled, their previous bravado gone. The driver slammed on the brakes, leaving thick skid marks on the road. Before the car had even come to a full stop, they lunged at Estelle.

She was on her feet in a heartbeat, one hand pressing against the door for leverage, her foot connecting squarely with the driver's chest, sending him flipping out of the cab. Her movements fluid, a sweeping kick landed on the other guy's face, sending him sprawling out of the vehicle too.

The driver, now knowing he had picked a fight with the wrong woman, rubbed his aching chest and pulled out a switchblade, his face set in grim determination as he lunged at Estelle again.

She jumped out of the cab, caught his arm, twisted her wrist, and with a swift motion, the blade was now aimed downward, plunging toward his groin. Blood spurted, and the man's face twisted in shock and agony before he passed out on the road.

The third guy, a burly man, just stood there staring at Estelle in disbelief, his own knife clattering to the ground as he turned tail and ran.

Estelle didn't bother chasing him. She tossed her leather jacket onto the passenger seat, picked up the dropped syringe, and smirked to herself without making a sound.

Taking the driver's seat, she floored the gas pedal and sped off into the night.

The first thug and the one who had fled looked on in stunned silence. Hadn't they been the ones trying to pull off a heist?

Fuming, the remaining guy whipped out his phone and dialed furiously. "We just got tricked by some chick, she took the damn car. Stop her, take her down." He was practically spitting with rage.


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