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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1918

He strolled over to Estelle's usual spot, sinking into the chair across from where she sat, noticing her coffee was only half-finished, the chocolate cake untouched, as if in her haste upon receiving his call, she hadn't had a chance to savor a single bite.

She must have rushed out to protect him.

Lambert took a deep breath, a heavy weight seemed to press upon his chest, making it hard to breathe.

He told himself, she was just a mere woman, no need to get worked up over her. Yet, from the moment Estelle was taken, a growing unease had started to pile up, spreading within him, turning to panic.

Raiden had said using Estelle for experiments posed no risk to her life, but they all knew too well, once you entered that building, there was no coming out!

Looking at the slice of chocolate cake on the plate, Lambert recalled the last look Estelle gave him, one of betrayal by one of her own, filled with disbelief and resentment.

He closed his eyes for a moment, forcing himself not to dwell on it any longer, and stood up to leave quickly.

The lab was brightly lit, Estelle lay on a bed surrounded by various machines.

Three doctors in white protective gear stood by her, their expressions detached as they watched Estelle, the air chilling to a standstill, save for the glaring light from the incandescent bulbs overhead.

A nurse wheeled over a cart with chilled vials, and after checking Estelle's closed eyes, one of the doctors took a syringe from her and slowly injected the pale blue liquid into Estelle's delicate arm.

J City

At five in the afternoon, Sabina entered the CEO's office to report on the schedule. "Mr. Lamont, the exclusive wine reception is set at The Sailing Hotel's thirty-seventh-floor banquet hall, starting at eight."

Jonathan glanced at his documents, somewhat distracted, "Alright, I got it!"

Sabina hesitated, her voice softening, "I happen to be free tonight, I could accompany you."

Without looking up, Jonathan said, "No need."


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