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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1928

Deep in the bowels of the Research Tower, ten floors underground.

A nurse wheeled a refrigerated cabinet behind the doctor as they entered the lab, following the routine procedure. She skillfully injected a pale blue serum into Estelle's wrist.

Estelle lay there, her body ensnared by a web of monitoring equipment, eyes tightly shut, her face twisted in a struggle against pain.

She was trapped in a recurring nightmare.

She and her team were briefed on a new mission: to storm an abandoned factory and rescue hostages. The seven of them set out at midnight, arriving at the decrepit site by 2 a.m.

The derelict pipe factory was overgrown with weeds as tall as a man, a silent testament to its neglect. The team, armed and stealthy, slipped through the shadows.

The night was overcast, darkness so thick you could hardly see your hand in front of your face. There was only a faint glow emanating from the run-down workshops deep within the factory.

Twenty men stood guard inside the factory, lightly armed—a cakewalk for an elite mercenary squad like Estelle's.

The team of seven didn't take the mission lightly, though. They had scouted the terrain in advance and had a plan: one to disrupt surveillance, two to infiltrate from the rear, and Estelle's group of four to take the front and execute the rescue.

Their coordination was always seamless. Dozens of missions over the years, and not a single failure.

Estelle, the youngest and smallest in stature, was also the most agile. She leaped from the rooftop, her dagger swift and precise, silently taking down the two sentries at the outer gate.

The only sound was the muted thud of the dagger finding its mark.

The other three followed suit, moving along the shadows cast by the walls. Suddenly, Bat, the one tasked with surveillance, came running, his voice urgent, "Pull out! It's a trap!"

The faces of Estelle's group darkened. Tyrannosaurus asked coldly, "Where are Wolf and Sniper?"

Before Bat could reply, gunfire erupted overhead. The team scrambled for cover, not realizing they had walked right into a deathtrap.

Heavy machine gun fire rained down on them, forcing them back into a warehouse.

The enemy pressed hard. With no backup in sight and ammunition dwindling, the stench of death hung in the air.


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