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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1984

Lambert's expression shifted subtly as he glanced at Estelle, then turned and asked, "What's the trouble?"

"The bio lab on the first floor of the castle has been trashed, and the guards there spotted a figure resembling Estelle," Huff reported, his voice steady and without inflection.

"A resembling figure?" Lambert stepped protectively in front of Estelle and scoffed, "Quite the jokester, aren't we, Mr. Huff? Why don't you take a look around the pub and see how many folks resemble Rella? And what makes you so sure it was her? Besides, you can tell Raiden that Rella was with me all night long, never left my side!"

Huff inquired, "Are you certain Estelle was with you the entire time?"

Without hesitation, Lambert nodded, "Absolutely!"

Huff returned the nod, "Well, that settles it then. Sorry for the intrusion."

With that, he turned and walked away with his entourage.

Lambert found Huff's demeanor odd and watched his retreating figure. Suddenly, something clicked, and he turned to Estelle, "We were together all night, right?"

She nodded, "Yes, we were."

Lambert chuckled softly, "Let's head back."

Estelle agreed with a nod, and they left the pub together.

Back at the villa, as Estelle began to ascend the stairs, Lambert called out, "Rella!"

She turned, meeting his solemn gaze, "What is it?"

Lambert's eyes, deep and probing, moved closer, his curiosity piqued, "Who are you, really?"

Estelle's gaze remained calm, "Estelle."

Lambert smiled wryly, "Alright then. Doesn't matter who you are, I don't really care either way."

"Hm?" Estelle didn't catch his drift.

"Be my girlfriend!" Lambert blurted out, "I think I've fallen for you!"


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