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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 2306

Charlie kept his peace, and Emily wasn't in a rush either, goofing around with Kya in the back, playing thumb wars as they rode along.

The moment Charlie steered the car into the retirement home's parking lot, Emily looked at him, a mix of surprise and warmth flooding her heart.

They got out of the car, and a nurse greeted them cheerfully, guiding them towards the common room. "Mr. Sullivan is in the middle of a chess game, playing quite impressively," she said with a smile.

Emily chuckled at herself, thinking, "After all those years hustling in Vegas, how could he not be?"

Of course, the nurse was oblivious to the backstory, continuing to praise Shawn Sullivan's card skills.

Emily raised an eyebrow, "They're not betting money, are they?"

"Absolutely not!" the nurse assured quickly. "We don't allow gambling here. It's just a friendly game of cards among friends, passing the time."

That put Emily at ease.

Charlie, carrying Kya on one hip and holding Emily's hand with the other, reassured her softly, "Don't worry, I've arranged for someone to look after Mr. Sullivan. You're being too cautious."

Captured by his deep, comforting gaze, Emily bit her lip and nodded, "Thank you!"

"For what?" Charlie pulled her closer into a hug and playfully tapped her head, "If you want to thank me, marry me already. Stop making me worry all the time!"

Emily muttered under her breath, "I'm not going anywhere. What's there to worry about?"

Kya joined in, patting Emily's head, "Marry Daddy already. He's so nice!"

Charlie and Kya high-fived, their coordination perfect.

Emily couldn't help but laugh at their antics.

As they reached the common room, a cozy and warm atmosphere welcomed them. Shawn sat in a wheelchair, deeply engrossed in a chess game with another gentleman, surrounded by a lively crowd. The room was decorated with paper cutouts and red lanterns, exuding a festive vibe. Snacks and fruits adorned the tables, basking in the sunlight filtering through the windows.


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