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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 2313

Sylvia exhaled softly, finally understanding why Gabriel had been reluctant to come and why he felt the need to bring her along.

After sitting for a while and seeing that Gabriel and Ansel had matters to discuss, she stood up and said gently, “You two chat, I’m going to take a walk outside.”

Gabriel nodded, “Don't wander too far.”

“Got it,” she replied.

She nodded politely to Ansel and then left the parlor.

The estate was breathtaking, but instead of strolling around the garden, Sylvia decided to drive down to the town.

Nestled against the backdrop of rolling hills and a meandering river, the town was known for its rich cultural heritage and was quite famous in the region. On this New Year's Day, it attracted a large crowd of visitors.

The main street of the town was bustling with New Year celebrations, but Sylvia wasn't in the mood for crowds. She wandered through quieter streets until a quaint little bookstore caught her eye. A girl in a cape was just unlocking the door.

“Are you open for business?” Sylvia asked with a smile.

The girl turned to face Sylvia, a welcoming smile on her delicate face, “Yes, come on in!”

Following the girl inside, Sylvia was taken aback by the charm of the interior. Just beyond the entrance was an intricately carved screen, with a long table set in front of it displaying pens, paper, and an array of books.

Further in, bookshelves lined the walls, their contents meticulously organized. Between the shelves were mahogany tables and chairs, each set with a bowl of New Year candies.

“Feel free to browse or sit anywhere!” the girl said, slipping off her cape to reveal a simple but elegant traditional dress underneath, her demeanor reminiscent of a character stepping out of a classic novel.

After making sure Sylvia was comfortable, the girl took a seat behind the long table, busying herself with her belongings.

Chapter 2313 1


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