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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 119

Edna shimmered with a glint of defiance, fleeting yet unmistakable, "Janet, you shouldn't joke with me like that."

"I'm dead serious, Edna. No joke," Janet replied with a stern look.

Just then, a subtle tread of footsteps echoed in the living room.

Edna turned to look.

A tall figure approached, backlit by the fading sunlight.

At thirty-nine, the man had shed any trace of youthful impatience, exuding an air of quiet assurance.

Jonah, having helmed the Lindsay family for years, commanded a presence that was both noble and intimidating. Such a man was undeniably captivating.

His limp, the result of a missing right leg, did not detract from his charm but added a unique allure.

Throughout Capital City, a slew of debutantes were itching to get in good with Jonah, but over the years, no one had managed to snag his attention.

A blush crept onto Edna's cheeks as she rose to her feet, "Jonah, I've simmered a pot of stew for Janet. Would you care for some?"

"No thanks," Jonah replied curtly, striding past her.

He was always like this with her.

Once, Edna thought it was just his way.

Until one afternoon, she caught a glimpse of Jonah with Carole, his demeanor entirely different. That was when Edna realized he wasn't naturally so detached.

But now, with Carole's betrayal, was Edna still less in his eyes than a fickle-hearted woman?

Janet chuckled, "Don't mind him, Edna. Jonah's always been like that. If he doesn't want your delicious stew, more for me! His loss, really!"

Edna's smile remained undimmed, "Janet, Jonah and I grew up together. No one knows him better than I do. How could I be upset with him?"

Patting Edna's hand, Janet added, "That's why I've always said you're the best match for Jonah."

Edna was kind-hearted and generous, deeply familiar with his ways, and she had an adorable daughter to boot.

Janet truly approved of her.

In Cloudcrest.

Anthea had spent the entire day at school.

By the end of the day, her drastic transformation was the talk of the entire campus, with students from other classes flocking to see the spectacle during breaks.

Since it was her first day in the new class, Anthea hadn't touched her phone, instead paying close attention to the lessons.

After school, she fired up her computer to tackle some coding tasks.

The OS System was now two-thirds complete.

The rest could be managed on her phone.

While coding, Anthea took moments to reply to her client's messages.


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