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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 120

"Whoops!" At the back table, Daniel was sipping his water when he heard the remark. He couldn't hold back, and the water burst out of his mouth in an uncontrollable spray.

That comeback was epic!

Sherman lifted his gaze slightly upon hearing the words. A faint smile seemed to spread across his face. Amidst the food fog, that smile seemed even more unearthly and bone-chilling.

His slender fingers slowly twirled the polished cross, which was in stark contrast to his pale and detached hands.

That lady sure had a sharp tongue.

She was not someone to be trifled with.

Rebecca knew she was in a tight spot. She had hoped to curry favor with Mr. Christensen by discussing his vegetarianism, but Anthea had turned the tables on her.

Rebecca narrowed her eyes and continued, "I've been a vegetarian for years! We should respect life and not harm it needlessly. Don't you think your actions are too cruel? Consuming meat is a deep sin. I suggest you replace all the meat in your restaurant with vegetarian options!"

Rebecca thought, “After all, Mr. Christensen was a vegetarian. Surely, this would resonate with him!”

Anthea frowned slightly. What was Rebecca playing at? Suddenly the saintly one?

"Everyone has their beliefs. I respect your choice to be a vegetarian, but you can't attack those who choose to eat meat. If not being a vegetarian means not respecting life, then vegetarians are also disrespecting life! Don't plants have life too? Everything in this world has life. True faith is in one's heart, not on their lips. If you respect life that much, then perhaps you should give up pasta as well, and oh, stop drinking water. After all, water is the source of all things. If you drink one more mouthful, the Earth loses that much water. As kind-hearted as you are, you can't bear the thought of an animal dying of thirst?"

Rebecca was incredulous as she looked at Anthea. What had happened to this nobody?


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