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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

Carole was the epitome of a devoted mother. Unfortunately, Rebecca was far from a grateful daughter

Beyond forcing Carole to sell her blood, Rebecca committed a series of selfish acts

Not too long ago, she’d even gone as far as suggesting that Carole sell a kidney to cover a house down payment

If the Morris family hadn’t shown up out of the blue, Carole might have gone through with it

Rebecca’s behavior worsened afterward

She spread nasty rumors that Carole was a homewrecker who skulked in the shadows and even had the gall to accuse her of a childswap conspiracy, disregarding the years of love and care Carole had provided

Nanson couldn’t fathom how the kindhearted Carole could have given birth to someone as selfcentered as Rebecca until the Morris family came to their door. It was only then that he had his epiphany

Rebecca wasn’t Carole’s biological daughter

The revelation that the child she’d raised was not her hit Carole like a ton of bricks. She was devastated to learn that her daughter, whom she had loved and nurtured for eighteen years. did not share her blood

The daughter she’d raised turned her back on her to reunite with her biological family, and her birth daughter wanted nothing to do with her, even refusing to acknowledge her

Carole felt like her steadfast dedication all the years had turned into a cruel joke. She had even contemplated suicide, but thankfully, Anthea returned

While scribbling down a prescription, Anthea said, Mom, I’ll come with you to quit from the rotisserie.” 

To make ends meet, Carole had been working at a rotisserie

Quit?Carole was stunned. How can that be an option?” 

The rotisserie didn’t pay much, but it helped put food on the table

Without a job, how could they make a living

Anthea put down her pen after finishing the prescription. Mom, you can’t keep working with your health like this! Otherwise, the consequences could be dire, even lifethreatening.” 

Hearing that, Nanson jumped in, alarmed, Carole, you’ve got to listen to Ann! Nothing is more important than your health!” 

Since Anthea had accurately determined that Carole sold her blood, Nanson had faith in her 

Chapter 15 

medical judgment

You guys are making a fuss. I’ve always been like this. What could go wrong?Carole said. feigning indifference

Anthea continued, Mom, you don’t have to worry if the money kept you from quitting.

borrowed a thousand dollars from a classmate yesterday and plan to invest it in mutual funds and financial products.” 

The fact was that she had earned the money on the gambling table, but she didn’t dare tell Carole, who disapproved of gambling, so she lied

Nanson quickly took out all the money from his wallet, Carole, this is my paycheck and bonus from yesterday. I’ll give you my wages every month from now on.” 

I can’t take your money,Carole refused

Nanson insisted, Carole, we’re family. I only want you to be fine.” 

Carole smiled. My health is fine.” 

Being a sister and a mother, Carole couldn’t bear the thought of doing nothing and living off her child and brother while feeling under the weather

Anthea looked at her mother. Mom, we’ve just found each other. I don’t want to lose you over money matters. It’s better to face a painful truth momentarily than suffer for a long time. If you insist on working, I’ll leave this house right now and act as if I never had a mother to spare myself the pain later.” 

With that, Anthea turned and walked away without hesitation


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