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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 318

"Here, try this." After Sherman had just finished a handful of raspberries, Anthea handed him some small fruits.

"What's this?" Sherman asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Gooseberries," Anthea replied, a hint of surprise in her voice. "Don't tell me you've never had gooseberries before?"

Sherman shook his head slightly and took a cautious bite of one.


Painfully sour.

Yet, Sherman managed to keep his expression neutral.

"How do you like them?" Anthea inquired further.

"Pretty good," he lied.

Anthea dumped the rest of the gooseberries into Sherman's hands. "These are all yours. I can't handle too much sour."

Sherman thought to himself, Anthea is really sweet to me.

"Watch out!" Suddenly, Anthea grabbed Sherman's wrist.

Even through his sleeve, he could feel the warmth of her hand. It was electrifying.

Sherman paused mid-step, puzzled.

Their height difference was noticeable.

He was nearly six feet three, and she was around five feet seven.

From Sherman's angle, he had a perfect view of her delicate facial features and gracefully curved collarbones. Today, she wore a white blouse, slightly bent over, which allowed him a glimpse of something soft and hidden beneath the fabric...

Realizing what he was seeing, Sherman's face flushed with heat, and he quickly averted his gaze.

Bless me.

Look away!

Just then, Anthea's voice brought him back to reality, "There's a puddle ahead. Don't you watch where you're going?"

Sherman then noticed his foot was almost in the water.

Thank goodness Anthea stopped him.

"I wasn't paying attention, thank you for the heads-up." In a moment, Sherman's demeanor returned to normal as he twirled the key fob in his hand and continued walking.

Outwardly calm.

But his heart was anything but steady.

Soon, they reached the base of the hill.

"I drove here. I'll take you home," Sherman offered.

"Aren't we waiting for Mrs. Christensen and Adah?" Anthea asked.


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