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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 319

Sherman stood there, a slight frown creasing his brow.

He couldn't shake the feeling that Nanson didn't particularly like him.

Was it just his imagination?

Inside the house.

"Uncle, what's up? You seemed in a hurry to pull me back here. Anything urgent?"

"No worries, just didn't want you getting duped. Your mom, back in the day... never mind, better left unsaid! Just remember, some guys might look all shiny on the outside but are nothing but wolves in sheep's clothing, preying on naive girls like you."

Anthea chuckled, "A girl, yes, but naive? Hardly! Relax, Uncle. Sherman's not the type you're warning me about. Besides, we're just friends. I've got this under control."

Thinking about Anthea's savvy, Nanson breathed easier but still cautioned, "Just be careful, alright? Don't fall for those smooth talkers in fancy suits."

Anthea nodded, "Got it."

Nanson continued, "I've got a meeting tomorrow to discuss a partnership, might be back late."



The next day.

Nanson headed to the office first to clear some work before driving to the café where the meeting was scheduled.

In a gesture of formality, he took the company's car, a sleek black Mercedes.

Soon, he arrived at the café, stepped out of the car, and walked in.

Wanting to show his punctuality and sincerity, Nanson arrived 30 minutes early. The person he was supposed to meet hadn't arrived yet.

He ordered a coffee and enjoyed the view outside the window while waiting.

Unbeknownst to Nanson, not far from his table sat his ex-girlfriend and her current boyfriend, Lance. Although Nanson hadn't noticed them, Ileana spotted him right away.


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