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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 354

A young woman handed the cashier a couple of dollars. Nanson was taken aback as he looked at her, feeling a sense of familiarity. After a moment, it clicked, "You... you're the lady I accidentally bumped into this morning, aren't you?"

The young woman paused, then realization dawned, "Oh, it was you."

Nanson offered a sheepish smile, "I'm really sorry about this morning! And thank you for covering for me."

"Life's full of random encounters, meeting here must be fate. You've already apologized this morning," she replied, then added, "I believe in paying it forward. Helping you is like helping myself. Everyone faces tough times now and then."

Nanson was impressed by her maturity. If everyone thought like her, the world would indeed be a much better place.

"Regardless, I owe you thanks. If you don't mind, could we exchange numbers? I'd like to pay you back for the food." He hadn't just bought instant noodles, but also coffee and a sports drink, totaling a pretty penny.

"No need," the young woman insisted. "If you really want to thank me, just lend a hand to someone else in need. That'll be payment enough."

"My name's Nanson. I work at QuickSend Parcels. Don't worry, I have no ulterior motives."

The young woman offered a gentle smile, "Mr. Nanson, I didn't think you did. Just remember to help someone else. That's all I ask."

Still feeling indebted, Nanson tried another approach, "Well, I drove here. Can I at least offer you a ride home?"

"No, thank you. I can manage on my own."

With that, the young woman turned and left. Nanson watched her leave, feeling an unexpected fondness for this stranger. It was rare to encounter such genuine kindness.


Later, Anthea rushed to Yeager’s Delicacies right after school, eager to see Carole, who had been working tirelessly away from home. Sneaking up, Anthea hugged her, "Mom! I've missed you so much!"

It had been over twenty days since they last saw each other, with Carole preferring not to disturb Anthea's studies with late-night calls, especially with exams around the corner.

Holding Anthea, Carole frowned, "Annie, you've lost weight! Haven't you been eating well? I told your uncle to make sure you had pork trotter soup every day."

Carole was concerned, remembering how she used to make nourishing pork trotter soup for Anthea every night.


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