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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 370

Waldron stared at the spreadsheet on his computer, letting out an excited shriek reminiscent of a groundhog spotting its shadow on Groundhog Day.


"What's gotten into Mr. Waldron? Scared by his own student's grades?" Bain chuckled. "Come on, we all knew Anthea was just copying from others. No big deal, Mr. Waldron. Every class has its slackers aiming for a shortcut. No shame in that! We all get it around here."

Hearing this, the other teachers in the staff room turned their eyes towards Waldron, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.


Not exactly a badge of honor to wear around.

The next second, Waldron leaped up, electrified with excitement.

"First place! Our class's star, Boss Yeager, nailed the top spot! She's the valedictorian of the whole city! Our class produced the city's valedictorian!"

"Valedictorian?" Bain's face was a picture of sarcasm. "Mr. Waldron, are you living in a fantasy? Snap out of it!"

Just then, the principal burst into the room, grabbing Waldron's hand in a hearty shake. "Mr. Waldron! Congratulations! I just got off the phone with the district office. Anthea scored a whopping 749 points! She's Cloudcrest's top scholar! Get ready, the local news crew will be here any minute to interview you!"

749 points?


At that, even Bain was speechless.

The other teachers crowded around Waldron's desk, eyes glued to the computer screen displaying Anthea's scores.

Language Arts: 149 points.

Math: 150 points.

Foreign Language: 150 points.

Comprehensive: 300 points.

No extra credit for national policies.

No extra credit for local policies.

Total: 749 points.

Pure score, no extra points, and yet, Anthea's score was unbeatable.

Congratulations filled the room.

Waldron beamed, "Everyone, don't rush off after work. Dinner's on me tonight. My treat!"

Bain sat back, his face a shade paler.

This was supposed to be his moment!

Anthea was his student.


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