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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 376

Jonah hurried across the room, "Where's Gerry?"

"Resting upstairs."

Jonah thought about going up to check on him.

Janet grabbed his hand, "Gerry's been burning the midnight oil for his exams. Let's not disturb him now."

Gerard had aced the exams, becoming the valedictorian!

Standing out from tens of thousands.

You can only imagine how hard Gerard must have worked.

Jonah nodded in acknowledgment.

Janet continued, "How come you're out of the rehab center? Are you fully recovered? All good?"

"No big issues left," Jonah replied.

"Now that Gerry's become the valedictorian, I'm thinking of getting the whole family back home to give Gerry a proper celebration. After all these years, the Lindsay family finally has its first valedictorian!"

Jonah slightly nodded, "I'll handle the arrangements."

Janet shook her head, "With your health and the business to tend to, let me take care of this little thing."

"Fair enough," Jonah's expression remained neutral.

Though mother and son, their bond wasn't as strong as before. Facing Janet, he had nothing much to say and stood up, "I'll head back to my room."

"Alright, I'll have the doctor check on you later. Rest well."

Janet watched Jonah's retreating back, her eyes unreadable.

She knew.

Jonah was still holding a grudge.

Nineteen years.

Ever since that incident, he had never spoken to her with any warmth.

But could she be blamed for what happened with Carole?

If she hadn't intervened back then,

Jonah would have certainly married Carole.

And that would have been a real scandal, raising another man's child.

It couldn't be kept a secret forever.

Once it got out, wouldn't the whole of Capital City laugh at the Lindsay family?


Janet heaved a sigh.

In the end, it all came down to that wretched Carole.

Had she not meddled and seduced Jonah, the Lindsay family wouldn't be in this state.

Jonah without a wife.


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