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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 384

Anthea raised an eyebrow, "He's not blind. It'd be weird if he didn't notice me, right?"

Lizzie was momentarily speechless. The logic was irrefutable, leaving her without a comeback.

With a sigh, Lizzie shook her head in resignation. "Ah, discussing this with someone perpetually single like you is pointless."

As the words left her, Lizzie added, "Annie, just imagine, what if he falls for you and makes a heartfelt confession? Would you accept him, marry him even?"

Anthea's tone was nonchalant, "Such a scenario between him and me is impossible, Lizzie. You're worrying about nothing."

Lizzie pouted, "You never know, what if you two hit it off?"

"Never gonna happen," Anthea enunciated clearly.

Lizzie chuckled, "Ever heard of 'never say never'?"

"It doesn't apply to me," Anthea stated. Although she found Sherman appealing, it was nothing beyond that. After all, Sherman was practically a monk in his demeanor. How could there be anything between them? Even if by some fluke, it wouldn't happen.

Lizzie continued to enlighten Anthea about the concept of 'never say never' as they walked and talked. Soon, they reached the amusement park's play area. Being Sunday, the place was bustling with visitors.

At the sight of all the fun rides, Lizzie forgot all about their conversation, her excitement palpable. "Annie! Let's hit the roller coaster first! Then the drop tower, and oh, we must try the Ferris wheel!"

"Sure," Anthea nodded in agreement.

In her past life, Anthea had been an orphan, always enviously watching other children being taken to amusement parks by their parents. Now, with the means but lacking the desire, this was Anthea's first ever visit to an amusement park.

Whether it was the roller coaster, the sky-high drop tower, or any of the thrilling rides, Anthea found them all incredibly exhilarating. She loved the adrenaline rush.

Lizzie, on the other hand, was different. Though she loved the idea of fun, she screamed her head off in fear. Her reactions formed a stark contrast to Anthea's calm demeanor.

After enjoying several thrilling rides, they headed to the haunted house. The haunted house had three floors, and they had to queue to enter.


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