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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 112

He? He should be referring to Ellis.

I was silent because Joel already knew the answer.

Sean suddenly said in low spirits, "I just want to be there for her, and I don't mean anything else. Why did you have to drag me away?"

I whispered, "Sean, she has her own world."

It just so happened that there was no place for Sean in that world.

Sean was silent. When we arrived downstairs at my apartment, he said firmly, "Emma, if you want me to give up September, I'm telling you, not gonna happen. I will do this for as long as it takes."

After Sean left, I called Joel, and he sent me the address and password of his apartment.

I took a cab to his apartment.

The moment I opened the door, I saw the luxurious decorations, and my mood got slightly better. I went to the kitchen to cook a bowl of noodles for myself and ate them. Then I went to sleep in his bedroom.

The bedroom of Joel was very large and simple. There was only an empty bed. The bed was also ridiculously large, and it was covered with white sheets.

I crawled into the blanket and covered myself. I listened to the sound of the rain outside and gradually fell asleep. I woke up again and Joel was sitting beside me.

When he saw that I was awake, he tucked in the blanket and said, "You're sick. You're having a fever."

I reached out to feel my forehead. Indeed, it was a little hot.

But it was no big deal.

"I'm fine." I asked with concern, "How's September?"

"I just sent her home to sleep. I'll take care of her later." Joel looked at the rain outside the window and said, "I'm worried."

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"Em, are you hiding something from me?"

I was stunned and pretended that I didn't know anything. "What can I hide from you?"

Joel stopped asking and said, "I won't be coming home for the next two days. You can stay here."

"Thank you, Joel."

"Well, I'll leave first."

After Joel left, I felt uncomfortable. I did hide something from him, but I couldn't tell him.

Feeling guilty, I fell asleep again. When I woke up again, it was already night, and the rain outside the window was heavier. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and then went downstairs to the kitchen.

After having a big bowl of noodles, I still felt sad, so I went back to the bedroom to lie down, but after lying down, my consciousness became clearer and clearer, and I didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night.

For the next two days, I stayed in the apartment and lived in a daze. It was Joel who sent me to the hospital after he got home. I asked in a weak voice with my eyes squinted, "Where am I, Joel?"

He whispered, "You are sick. We're in the hospital."

"Brother," I said, "I'm still feeling terrible."

"I know, Em."

Joel held my hand and whispered in my ear, "I am too, so I can understand you. But no matter how upset you are, you can't ruin yourself for the sake of the child."

I didn't ruin myself.

I just feel that there was no point in living.

I was desperate.

After getting an IV in the hospital, Joel intended to take me home, but as soon as I got up, I almost collapsed. I said to Joel awkwardly, "I've been lying in bed for too long."

Joel smiled and said, "I'll hold you."

He bent down and picked me up, and I reached out to hold his waist and put my head in his arms. Joel said, "You're heavier than September."

"Is that the way you talk about your sister?" I said coyly.

Joel said with a smile, "It's exactly the reason I am talking about you like this."

The more I knew about Joel, the warmer I felt.

Joel said with a smile, "It's a pity that I never got to spoil you and you became so tough and hard. I really wish that you could rely on the Shears family."

I lay in his arms and said with a smile, "Haven't I? I've literally ask favors from you for everything."

"Yes, that's the right thing to do."

Joel said, "After all, I am your brother."

Joel carried me out of the hospital but ran into Benjamin at the door. It looked like he came, knowing he would see us.

He looked at me coldly and asked, "Are you coming home?"

I stretched out my hand to him and said with a smile, "Sure."

Seeing this action, Benjamin's frowning eyebrows relaxed. He reached out to hold me in his arms from Joel's hand.

I waved my hands at Joel and said, "Go take care of September."

After a pause, Joel turned around and left.

After Joel left, Benjamin asked in a low voice, "Why did he hold you in his arms? Where have you been these two days?"

"I had a fever, and Joel took care of me." I stared at him and asked with a smile, "Are you jealous?"

Benjamin asked coldly, "What do you think?"

What did I think?

What did it have to do with me?

The smell of Benjamin was still so familiar, but it made me feel irritated. I endured it and still reached out and hugged his waist.

Before the child was born, I was willing to compromise.

Benjamin took me to his apartment. He put me on the bed and stretched out his hand to feel my forehead.


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