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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 35

How to thank him?

He must be dreaming.

I ignored him and opened a pack of snacks.

When Bob was taking a nap, I went to the archive again and looked through my personal information carefully.

There was no record of my transfer to the city of Glestin.

I went to check the personnel transfer files for the past seven years and read them word by word, but there was no one called Emma! This was an incredible thing.

September said that I had been to Glestin, so I must have been there!

But why was it not recorded in personal files? Could someone deliberately hide something? The thought of this made my heart tremble. If someone deliberately concealed it, what was the reason?

At this moment, I wanted to ask Zack.

But I was afraid to ask him.

I put down the files and left. After thinking about it for a long time in the office, I still didn't find any clues. My phone rang and it was Steve.

I saw the number and felt disgusted. I went out to answer the phone and said coldly: "Steve, it is never a good thing when you call me."

"No, it's not. I wanted to tell you one thing. The loan shark has already set a deadline for the payment, December 31."

December 31, the day before New Year's Day.

I scolded: "I already told you that I wouldn't pay the debts you owe! Even if you force me, I don't have the money anyway!"

Steve hesitated and said, "Benjamin has the money!"

"Dream on! Do you really think that I would use his money to pay the debts for a cheating sack of s*it? Do you think he will generously give half a million to my ex- husband who betrayed me? Are you really that stupid? "

Steve's voice suddenly became weak and said: "Emma... I know you will record this, so I can't say some things on the phone. But I beg you, I can't get the two million on my own at all. You have to help me with the half a million. I have no other way out"

No other way out?

Except for asking me for the money? Money I got nothing to do with?

I didn't want to talk with him anymore so I hang up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, I realized this scumbag had become smarter. He knew that I would record the call to collect evidence.

Yes, as long I could find any evidence, as long as he personally admitted that I had nothing to do with the two million.

I would never fear him at all.

But... he was one step ahead of me after all.

I returned to the office and Bob was sorting out the documents. He saw me come in and pointed at a stack of documents, and ordered: "Emma, put those documents in the archive."

I nodded and went to the archives with the files.

I saw a person in the archives, Zack.

Standing in the long corridor, he was slightly looking down and flipping through the documents. He was standing right where I was.

And the files on that rack were the documents about me.

Was he looking at my files?

I didn't want to meet him at all, so I turned around unconsciously. As a result, a clear, indifferent voice came from behind: "Sergeant Shears, come here, I have something to discuss with you."

He called me Sergeant so it meant that what he said was an order from a superior.

I held the file and went to his side nervously, Zack retracted his gaze on the file and turned his head to look at me.

His eyes were cold, but there was tenderness in his coldness.

There seemed to be helplessness and misery in his eyes.

He stared at me for a long time, and suddenly asked: "Are you afraid of me?"

Was I afraid? I was just afraid of things I didn't know.

I stared at him and shook my head.

Zack's palm suddenly leaned on my shoulder and slammed me into his arms. I wanted to break free, but I heard his sad and depressed voice saying: "Em, I have lost five years with you."

Five years...

Then it meant that I went to Glestin from 19 to 20.

But why does my heart hurt so much when I heard him call me Em? There seemed to be some force that was pulling me and made me feel bad.

Suddenly, I was struggling desperately in his arms, and all the documents fell to the ground. Zack held me tightly in his arms and said in a soothing tone: "Don't be afraid, Em, I am here."

I roared, "Let me go!"

Zack let go of me helplessly, his slightly lowered eyes seemed to suppress too much sorrow, and he stood still somewhat helplessly there.

I knelt down and picked up the documents on the ground one by one, and said in a flustered tone: "Zack, don't do this, I don't know anything at all. You are just stuffing the memories into my head."

"Emma, when you were 19 years old, you joined the municipal police station for an internship. After three months of your internship, because of your outstanding ability and the need for the situation then, you were transferred to Glestin for three months to participate in a case investigation. We met at that time. And we had a lot of friends back there. But you forgot all of it."

"Shut up! Zack!"

What he said was exactly what I wanted to know!

But I began to fear that part of the lost memory!

Zack shut his mouth, I stood up and looked at his handsome face, and apologized: "Sorry, Zack."

I just told my leader to shut up!

What gave me the courage?

Zack shook his head and said in a gentle voice: "You don't want to know for the time being, and I won't force you. You living your life happily is already the best gift I could ever ask for."


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