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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 45

I was just trying to see if I could get any information from Bob. He took his eyes off his cell phone and asked, "What reason does he need?"

Bob looked unwilling to tell me anything further, I hesitated but still asked: "Bob, do you know something that I don't?"

"Emma, what's in that little brain of yours?" Bob blinked at me and smiled: "But to be honest, there's really something you don't know."

I approached in surprise and asked: "What is it?"

"I'm gonna tell you about it but you have to promise this stays between you and me, okay?"

I nodded and made my promise.

"My uncle likes you, so he came to this city. It is precisely because he likes you that he always treats you well."

I was taken aback, then gave him a look.

In the afternoon, Bob skipped work to catch the plane. I rushed to see Julienne after getting off work.

She was very haggard for the past two days, and she didn't even have the strength to curse me anymore.

I almost couldn't bear it, but I told myself that I had to hold on.

The next day was New Year's Day. I drove home to the Shears house according to my grandfather's instructions. The house seemed so empty with only him and Joel in it.

By the way, Rose was also there.

Grandpa was very happy to see me. He took my hand and said, "Haven't seen my Em for months. You and Joe are the only children left in this family. Why are you so stubborn and never want to go come back here?" He would say such a sentence in front of me every time on New Year's Day. I held his hand and smiled and said, "Grandpa, I'm right here, aren't I?" Everytime, I answered him like that.

Grandpa glanced at me sadly and didn't talk about it anymore. I went upstairs and returned to my room.

Before I went back to my room, I looked back at Grandpa in the living room. I would always remember his ruthless appearance when he abandoned my father, which was nothing like how kind and amiable he was at the moment.

When I was lying on my bed, I received a strange call. I answered it and asked, "Who is this?"

"It's me, Steve."

When I paid off the debt, I blocked his number. But I didn't expect that he would call me with a different number.

I asked in a cold voice, "What do you want now?"

"I know that you have paid off the debt, thank you." Steve said humbly and went on to say, "I can't stay in this city anymore, Em, I will leave tomorrow for Eburgh."

What about Charlotte?

Would he bring her with him? No, no, Charlotte still had injuries and was involved in a serious case, she couldn't leave.

Unexpectedly, Steve finally chose to leave her behind.

I knew them too well to not see this coming. I smiled sarcastically as if thinking of something, and asked in confusion, "Steve, how did we meet each other?"

"Em..." Steve's voice was slightly trembling.

I smiled and said: "Don't think too much, I just forgot how we met before, so I wanted to check with you."

He said: "We were introduced through a


"Who was that friend?" I asked.

"I knew a guy and he knew a guy, and that guy got us connected. I don't really remember his name."

He'd even forgotten the man's name? What the heck?

The past was like a dense swamp, sucking me in deeply. Just I was thinking about all of it, Joel opened the door and stood there.

Seeing him, I immediately sat up from the bed and looked at him.

Waiting for him to speak first.

Joel asked indifferently: "Has September been in contact with that dude lately?"

That dude?

I remembered how Joel hit Sean that day, and shook my head and said, "September doesn't like him, she has her own plans."

Joel kept asking, "What plans?"

"She said she was looking for a man who would love her unconditionally." I hid the fact that she was actually getting married already, "Brother, it's not like September can't live without you and she's got nothing to do with you now. So you don't have the right to blame her in front of Rose nor does she deserve to be humiliated by you."

Joel's face sank and asked, "Since when did you get the idea that you can lecture me?"

"September is my friend and that's why I'm saying these things to you. I respect you as my eldest brother, so I will remind you not to get things out of control. If you like Rose, then love her with your whole heart. Don't go around messing with September. It's none of your business which man she's with now.

Joel turned away coldly.

I sighed in relief and lay on the bed and looked at the moonlight outside the window. September should be grateful to me. This was the first time that I'd talked back to Joel and I wished sincerely that he could figure it out himself.

But what was I expecting him to figure out?

What if he really didn't love September? What if it was all just because he was a control freak?

I took my mobile phone and looked through the contacts, and when I got to Benjamin's number, I hesitated and did not press it, and finally put down the phone.

After dinner, I went back upstairs and found out Benjamin's number again and finally dialed it.

"Is this Retard?"

A child's voice came, and I was startled and asked really like a retard: "Hi, what do you mean by retard?"

The child said in a soft voice: "You are calling for Benjamin, right? Your name on his phone says you are a Retard."

F*cking Benjamin! The note he gave me on the phone was Retard?! I endured my anger and said, "You are so smart."

The boy sounded no more than five years old but he knew what retard meant.


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