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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 66

"You just introduced me to him as your friend!" Benjamin said in a low voice, "Am I just a friend? Is it so hard for you to admit I'm your husband?"

I just wanted to hide it from Joel for the time being, but Benjamin immediately exposed my lies, which was extremely embarrassing.

But even though it was awkward, I still had to comfort him. "He doesn't know that I am married. Besides, I was not close to him because of September, so there are some things that I don't need to say."

"Really?" Benjamin tilted his head to look at me and asked in a faint tone, "You know that the child is not Sean's, right? You called me because you wanted me to mistaken it for Sean's. You dragged him here to stop September, but in the end, the result was not what you wanted."

"Well, September was reluctant to abort the child so I could only let Sean stop her." I thought for a moment and said, "The child is still alive. She was in the operating room for less than five minutes. She should have regretted it when she was in there."

Benjamin said indifferently, "It doesn't matter to me whether the child is alive or not. But it's going to matter if you ever try to abort my child."

He said in an understated tone.

However, the words were threatening.

After returning to Elysia, Benjamin answered a phone call. I saw him frown and asked, "What are you doing? You're going to start school soon."

I didn't know what the person on the other side had said, but Benjamin's lips curled up slightly and he threatened, "Yes, we'll talk about it later... Don't follow Victoria around. I'll definitely skin you alive if I find out."

When he hung up the phone, I asked curiously, "Who was it?"

"Elias." Seeing the blank look on my face, Benjamin explained with his fingers pinching my face, "Elias, the middle name for Ellis. You do know what the name Ellis means, don't you?"

Of course, I didn't. But I didn't wanna show my ignorance in front of him, so I asked "You got a name like that?"

Benjamin mysteriously smiled and said, "Do you want to know? I won't tell you until you get me a daughter."

I was speechless.

A childish man.

"Anyway, I'm not interested."

I rolled my eyes at him, leaned my head on his shoulder, and said, "Since Ellis wants to hang out with you, why not let him come over? He's not gonna go to school for a while."

Benjamin said in an indifferent tone, "Really? That guy likes to make trouble. Let him stay in City B."

I didn't speak for Ellis again. After all, there was no need to talk about the matter that Benjamin had decided not to do.

I didn't wanna waste my time on that.

I went to cook for Benjamin in the kitchen. After lunch, I cleaned up the kitchen and asked him, "Are you going to the company in the afternoon?"

Benjamin shook his head and said, "Sean called me to go over to his place."

I wrapped around his neck behind him and said softly, "Then I'll go to work. See you in the evening."

Benjamin wrapped his hand around the palm of my hand. He turned his head and kissed my cheek, gently saying, "Okay, drive my car."

"What about you?" I asked.

He explained, "Sean will pick me up."

"Alright, bye, then."

I let go of him and left with the car keys. I was in a good mood all the way. Now, Benjamin and I were in a state of passionate love.

Love after marriage, quite strange.

As soon as I arrived at the police station, I received a phone call from Joel. I stood on the steps and asked calmly, "What's up, Joel?"

It was raining in the morning, so the city looked wet and the sky was gloomy. Joel said in a cold voice, "Emma. Does September hate me?" There was a hint of nervousness in his tone.

What should I say? He had no way to turn back anymore. I asked softly, "Do you love Rose?"

Joel was silent. I sighed and said, "I understand, Rose's temper happens to be the kind you loathe. Now you are in a dilemma-You can't get Rose away and you can't get September back either. You even hope that the child is still there, so you have a reason to marry her."

"Em, I owe Rose."

What did Joel owe to Rose?

No wonder Rose satirized me and September all the time. It was because she was certain that Joel would not leave her.

I wanted to ask him what he owed to Rose, but I didn't think he would tell me, because if he could, he would have told September long ago.

I paused for a moment before reminding him, "But you owe September too."

"Well, I know that I owe her a lot." Joel was silent for a while and said, "She will feel better now that she has taken the Jenkins family in her hands. She is in good luck. If you have time, please take care of her for me."

He knew he owed September but he didn't plan to do anything about it.

Joel was too cruel to September.

I said in a calm tone, "September is my friend.

I will take care of her, but not for your sake."

"You two do protect each other very well."

Did we? I just felt that he was wrong, but he should not be blamed by me. Only September could blame him.

I glanced at the man who was slowly walking down the stairs. I asked the person on the other end of the line, "Is there anything else, Joel?" "Emma, the Shear's family house is in City B. My grandpa planned to go back to City B a few years ago, but because of you, he has been delaying this again and again."


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