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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 86

I resisted the apprehension in my heart and opened the door. Zack stood straight in front of me and said, "She has left."

I was a little absent-minded. "Oh, has she?"

"I'm making some food. You wanna stay for dinner?"

Zack was treating me in the same way he used to, as if he had never been angry with me at all.

I followed behind Zack. When I entered the kitchen to wash the vegetables for him, I whispered, "I met Janse."

"You did?" Zack's expression was a little dazed.

Puzzled, I asked, "What's wrong?"


Zack seemed unwilling to talk about it.

I explained, "Janse knows that I've regained my memories, and I deliberately pissed him off with Teresa. Benjamin beat him up because of me. He's probably gonna hate me a lot more for it." "You know what Janse did to you, so when you face him, it's hard to control your temper, and knowing what kind of person you are, you are bound to tease him and mock him." Zack thought for a while and said, "But Janse is a cruel and merciless man. It won't do you any good to anger him. So next time, don't mess around with him lest you get into trouble."

He paused before continuing, "Better the devil than the devil you don't. Janse so happens to be the one you don't know."

"I will keep your words in mind. In fact, I was quite scared when I met Janse today, but I was not willing to let him destroy my five years of life, so I didn't hold the rein on myself. Thank you for reminding me."

I said then, "I'm sorry, I don't want you to be sad today, but I'm afraid that... Zack, you don't have to be too nice to me."

I was afraid that I would owe him too much!

I spoke my mind, "I am the wife of Benjamin after all. The grudge between me and him is still there. I don't want to waste your time, and I don't want you to give me anything unconditionally all the time!"

"Although Benjamin took the divorce agreement it was never settled." Zack took the food from my hand and said coldly, "Emma, I don't want you to feel any pressure just because I wanna be nice to you. But if you really do, I'll remind myself of it."

I suddenly remembered the words Zack wrote down in his notebook about how he felt about me.

If I were in his shoes, the man I loved was in love with another woman and even got married.

And he even told me that he would always be the woman's husband.

These words were like sharp knives stabbing into Zack's heart, but I didn't know at all. I suddenly looked up at Zack.

His slightly drooping head was trying to hide the heavy sadness, and the indifferent expression was hiding countless bitterness. I was stunned, and I felt wronged and sad for him, and I even shed tears unconsciously.

Zack looked up and asked, "Why are you crying?"

It seemed that I always shed tears in front of him. I reached out to wipe the corners of my eyes and heard him ask, "Are you pitying me?"

I shook my head in fear. "No."

I lied hastily, "I just got some dirt in my eyes from the vegetables."

This lie was too bullsh*t!

Zack bent his lips and said, "If you have time, let's go to Glestin."

He smiled and said, "Most of your memories are still hidden. Maybe you will get something if you go to Glestin."

He knew that I had jumped into the sea, but pretended not to know.

I wanted to ask, but it was stuck in my throat.

Zack said, "Benjamin wasn't like how he was in your memory when he met you. You'll understand when you've really regained your memories."

I paused and asked, "What about you?"

"Me? I was boss."

Zack said lightly. When I was about to say something else, Bob ran to the kitchen and said, "Any treats for me for driving Aunty Teresa home?"

Bob called Teresa aunty. I smiled and said, "If Teresa hears you call her that in front of Zack, she would definitely kill you!"

Bob said indifferently, "It's a good thing she's not gonna hear about it then."

He picked up a pair of chopsticks and said while he chewed. "September is going to leave the hospital tomorrow. She said she's going to work!"

September could no longer suppress her desire for revenge.

I explained, "Tomorrow, you might need to go to catch Rose. It's gonna cause us a lot of trouble."

The police in City B would definitely not be on our side for this. The only one that could help September was Zack, but if he used his authority like that, he'd be stuck in an awkward situation himself.

Zack seemed to know our worries and said with relief, "Whatever you want to do, just do it. I'll make arrangements over at the station."

Bob smiled. "Thank you, Zack."

When Bob sent me home, I asked him, "What's Zack's title over here?"

"He was the deputy commissioner here before he left so he still gonna be that now." Bob explained, "I know that you are afraid that we will make trouble for him, but you can rest assured since we'd been here for five years and no one ever dared to stab us in the back. Plus, no one wants to get themselves in trouble when they don't have to. They'll just mind their own business and collect that monthly paycheck."

We were working in one of the precincts of City B Police Station. According to Zack's qualifications, he was more than enough to be the deputy commissioner!

But the more I thought, the more Zack's words about the devil we didn't see bothered me.

Bob drove me downstairs and reminded me, "Tomorrow, Zack will transfer you back to the crime squad, so you can choose to wear police uniforms or casual uniforms."

"Yes." I smiled and said, "Come pick me up on your way to work tomorrow."


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