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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 88

After a pause, she said, "This is not important to me. Well, since you don't like him, I'll do you a favor and accept him."

"Officer Weier..."

"Officer Shears, Zack is very patient and repressed on himself."

"It's true that I like him, but I won't deliberately try to snatch him away from you, so I'm willing to wait for him to let you go! And also, it's not like I've got nowhere to rest my passionate love or something. It just so happened I don't have anyone that I love very much."

It just so happened that she didn't have anyone that she loved very much.

So she chose him.

In fact, Laurelie's love was very pure. This was true love in the real sense, not forced, not scheming, not jealous!

Just patience.

"How many years have you been waiting for him?" I asked in astonishment.

"Hmm?" Laurelie stretched out her hand and gestured with it, "From the first time we met, he has been in my heart for five years."

I asked in shock, "Does he know?"

"So what if he doesn't know? It's fine as long as he knows that I like him now." The smile on Laurelie's face was beautiful. "I'll wait for him until no one else is in his heart."

I remembered that Bob had just said that no one could make her angry, even if she knew that Zack had always liked me-she was too free and easy!

Laurelie was really a magical girl.

With a smile, he said, "How long are you two gonna be like this? One more year? Two? I'm still young and I've got all the time in the world. Plus, I'm not afraid of losing."

There was literally competing with her. Of course, she would not lose.

I asked curiously, "I left him for five years. Why didn't you stay with him but wasted these five years?"

"I'm still young. I have my own life, and I have a plan for myself. And I can't leave this plan behind because of him." With her hand on her chin, she said, "The years between the age of 15 and 20 are the age for my growth. All I can do is enjoy my life."

Laurelie had always been very clear about what she wanted and when she wanted it or didn't want it.

I suddenly admired this little girl. She already had a life that everybody would envy but she still had a clear picture of what she wanted.

Then, after saying goodbye, Laurelie left. I looked at the time and shook my head helplessly since it was only eleven o'clock.

It didn't matter. No one would dare to say anything.

After Laurelie left, I stayed in the crime squad office to sort out the documents. It was the file Zack gave me in the morning about the case five years ago. It was the first time that the case came back into the light after five years.

I was more concerned about the flash disk that I'd hidden. Five years have passed, and it was still a mystery. Besides, it had been too long I was not even sure if it could still be used.

What did I hide in it at that time?

The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I felt. So I simply put down the documents to go to Bob. Bob handed the documents to me and said, "Rose's attempted murder has been filed, but she's not gonna go down for too many years as we'd like."

I took it over and opened it. "It doesn't matter how many years she gets. The main thing is to let her have a taste of despair and the consequences of offending September."

"But she can at least be sentenced to one year." Bob thought for a moment and said, "September has recently been going plotting out her old dirt. If those are confirmed, she should be in prison for a few years."

"Well, that's one trouble off our list." I suddenly thought of September's father and asked worriedly, "Then September and her father..."

Bob sighed and said, "They are over. That old man's whole heart is on Rose's side. There's nothing we can do about it!"

Just when we thought that the dust was about to settle, September's father committed suicide, forcing September to release Rose.

September had no choice but to compromise. She had to agree to her father that she would try to sentence Rose to only one year's imprisonment.

This was her greatest mercy. Her father didn't make any trouble anymore!

September had fulfilled her promise, but she didn't think that it would eventually lead to a tragedy. Even September's mother had been implicated!

I advised September, who had a sorrowful expression on her face, "In your father's eyes, he can only see how pitiful Rose is after being out of the family for so many years and that's why he feels like he owes her."

September said, "She is pitiful? My father has been secretly supporting her with all her luxury brands and sh*t with the money of the Jenkins family for so many years and even sent her abroad! What about my mother? My mother turned a blind eye to it and let him do whatever he wanted, but now he divorced my mother after listening to that woman's words, which almost made my mother depressed!"

September's tone was both helpless and bitter.

She said, "My mother really loves him, but now he betrayed her and even threatened her when I was not around!"

I remember September once said that her parents had always been loving each other, but no matter how deep their feelings for each other were, now they hated each other as much as they once loved each other!

"What kind of threat?" I asked in surprise.

"He threatened my mother to give one-third of the shares to Rose. Otherwise... anyway, he had said all kind of nasty things you could imagine."

In my impression, September's father was a gentle and cultivated man. Even if he was mercenary, he was not as unreasonable as he was now!

I advised her, "Ignore him."

"Yes, I would never give Rose the shares unless I die!" September put her hand on her belly and said in a soft voice, "In the future, everything in the Jenkins family will belong to Neil."

She said with a sigh of relief, "Neil has the Jenkins family as his backing, and he is the only grandson of the Shears family, so I am not worried that someone will bully him. What's more, he's got his godmother, Emma."


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