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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1005

The idea of mutual benefits had always been appealing, but what truly stirred Agnes’s heart wasn’t the potential gains from their partnership. It was Jared’s offhand comment about curing insomnia that caught her off-guard. His desire to fight his sleepless nights showed he hadn’t given up on life yet, and that somehow made Agnes very happy.

“Alright, I’m in,” she agreed.

“Then move in with me tonight. Where are you staying now? I’ll help you with your stuff.”

“I’m just a few blocks away,” Agnes revealed.

Jared frowned. “You’re living in another man’s house?”

“It’s Kerri Bradford’s place.”

“That won’t do. Let’s go get your things now.”

In truth, Agnes didn’t have much to move, just a suitcase, which they quickly transferred from Kerri’s upscale townhouse to Jared’s place.

Agnes sighed, feeling as if she was about to dive back into living with someone, stirring up memories from their secret marriage four years prior. Back when Agnes was still in college and they lived together under the same roof. Those days were sweet to reminisce about.

Jared, usually hard to please, was in a surprisingly good mood, humming a tune as he carried the suitcase upstairs.

Watching Jared’s energetic stride, Agnes sensed something was off but couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

She settled into the guest room next door. Jared had suggested sharing a room, but Agnes shut that down immediately. She knew exactly what was on his mind without having to think too hard about it.

However, when night came, Agnes waited for Jared to fall asleep before leaving his side. Learning from the past, she moved a chair next to the bed to read under a small desk lamp, keeping an eye on him.

Jared, pretending to be asleep, opened his eyes after a while. “I can’t sleep with the light on.”

Agnes closed her book and turned off the lamp. “Now, you can sleep properly.”


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