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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1011

Jack wanted to get up, but Agnes gave him a look that said it all. "Now's not the time," her eyes warned. There was something bigger at play, and any rash move could ruin everything they had worked for.

Meanwhile, Agnes had followed Lanny into a room, leaving Jack to stew in his own thoughts.

At the same time, Jared had stormed into the Dark Night Bar, his heart racing with a mix of anger and worry. He had been tailing a car all the way to this neighborhood, convinced that Agnes was inside. But the driver was a pro, losing him with ease. Yet, when he saw the car parked outside the bar, he knew. He knew Agnes had to be there, and the thought of her with another man, in a place like this, set his blood boiling.

The Dark Night Bar was a riot of lights and sounds, a place where the night never seemed to end. Jared searched the crowded space for Agnes but found no sign of her. His frustration mounting, he barged into private booths, earning a barrage of curses for his trouble, but he didn't care. Agnes was here somewhere, and he had to find her.

Just as he was about to give up, he overheard a couple of thugs bragging about a girl Lanny was with. "Man, she's a real looker. Big eyes, petite nose, like a doll. And that figure, slender as a snake. Lanny's probably having the time of his life," one slurred, their words sparking a fire in Jared's chest.

The way they described her, it could only be Agnes. Without hesitation, Jared grabbed one of them by the arm, demanding to know where Lanny was. The thug, pain flashing across his face as Jared tightened his grip, quickly spilled the details. "Room 108, with some chick," he gasped.

Jared released the thug and made a beeline for room 108, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't even think before kicking the door open, ready for whatever lay inside.

And there she was, Agnes, but not in the way he had expected. The man, presumably Lanny, was passed out on the bed, looking like he had been out for a while. Agnes was sitting there, scrolling through her phone, seemingly unbothered by the chaos around her.

For a moment, Jared was stunned. All the scenarios he had imagined, all the fears he had harbored, none of them had prepared him for this. Agnes, in a dive bar, involved with some shady characters, and yet here she was, calm as ever, in control of the situation.

What on earth was she doing here? And who was the man that had brought her? A thousand questions raced through Jared's mind, but none of them mattered more than the relief that flooded him at finding Agnes safe.


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