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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1022

It was different from any other day.

This time, Jared was sleeping in her arms.

Agnes looked down at Jared's peaceful face, feeling like she was cradling the most precious thing in the world. To her, this invincible man at times seemed no different from any other guy needing comfort and warmth.

Gently, she traced the lines of his face with her fingers, feeling a warmth that went beyond the physical touch. It felt so right. It was as if she had been struggling through a swamp for the longest time and had finally reached solid ground.

Agnes knew there were still problems unsolved, but she had had an epiphany. She used to think she could only be with Jared without reservations once all their problems were sorted out. She believed that only when everything was perfectly aligned, and the road ahead was smooth, could she feel secure about their future.

But she realized life is never smooth sailing. Perhaps taking one step at a time, living in the moment, was the best approach. Why try to control the uncontrollable aspects of life?

Holding Jared close, Agnes felt an unparalleled sense of peace.

Before long, Jared stirred awake. Looking up at Agnes, he mumbled, "Hey, babe, you up?"

His eyes were still groggy, his hair tousled – he looked like a lion cub waking up, deliberately nuzzling against her.

"Hungry? I can whip up some breakfast," Agnes offered, attempting to rise.


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