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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1028

The air between them was thick, almost as if an invisible force had frozen them in place. They just stood there, staring.

Agnes felt the tension immediately. Clinging onto Reggie's arm, she could sense his body turn to stone. This was a reaction she knew all too well — it only surfaced in moments of extreme tension, shock, or fear. In Agnes's world, this was an anomaly.

Why would Reggie react this way upon seeing Jared? It was as if they had a history. Yet, Agnes was a hundred percent certain these two had never crossed paths before.

Jared, on his end, seemed equally petrified. He didn’t move an inch forward or even attempt a greeting.

Feeling the awkward tension, Agnes quickly let go of Reggie and moved towards Jared, pulling him towards Reggie. Jared seemed to move like a marionette, his steps awkward and stiff. Today, Jared was acting out of character, leaving Agnes to wonder why. Surely, Reggie's presence couldn't have intimidated him this much.

Bringing Jared to Reggie, Agnes introduced, "Jared, meet Reggie, my godfather." Given Reggie was her godfather, that somewhat made him Jared's godfather too. Agnes had expected Jared to follow her lead and address Reggie similarly. However, Jared paused before extending his hand, "Mr. Albert, I've heard great things about you."

With Jared breaking the ice, the atmosphere seemed to normalize. Reggie reached out to shake Jared's hand, "Ah, so you're Septima's husband. I've been looking forward to meeting you."

The handshake was brief, and the exchange minimal. With a smile, Reggie suggested, "You two must be starving after your journey. Let me whip up some of my special spaghetti." With that, Reggie disappeared into the kitchen.

Agnes was delighted. Reggie's spaghetti had a unique homely flavor, reminiscent of the dishes her mother used to make when she was a child. It was a taste she dearly missed. Pulling Jared to sit, they found themselves alone in the restaurant.

Jared still seemed lost in thought, his brows furrowed. Agnes, puzzled and concerned, held Jared's hand, "Jared, what was that about earlier?" Jared's delayed reaction had been noticeable. Shaking off his daze, Jared replied, "It's nothing, I'm fine."

But Agnes wasn't convinced. Jared seemed off, lost in his thoughts, and visibly shaken. It wasn't until Reggie returned with two steaming bowls of spaghetti that the mood lightened.

Agnes, already with a fork in hand, couldn't help but exclaim, "I could smell the deliciousness from miles away. Reggie, your cooking never disappoints. I've been craving this for ages."

Reggie chuckled, "I bet it's not me you've missed but my cooking. Lucky for you, I've got this skill, or else you wouldn't bother visiting this old man."

Agnes teased, "If you keep calling yourself old, what does that make the rest of us? You're as vigorous as ever, easily good for another hundred years."

"I don't plan on sticking around that long. By then, all of you will be too old to visit, and what fun would that be for me?" Reggie retorted with a smile.


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