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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1032

When Phoenix called her, Agnes and Jared were just sitting down for breakfast. Jared, sitting nearby, overheard Agnes's conversation. After what had happened the day before, Agnes still found herself tangled up with thoughts of Jared. But, to her surprise, Jared mumbled, “Go ahead, I've got some personal stuff to sort out today myself.” So, Agnes agreed.

After finishing their breakfast, Agnes set off for Eden Nights. Phoenix was waiting for her at Pegasus Plaza, greeting Agnes with a big hug upon her arrival. Then, looking Agnes over with a frown, Phoenix said, “Septima, you’ve slimmed down again. Your baby cheeks are almost gone.”

Agnes laughed, “Every time you see me, you say I've lost weight. I've never heard you say I've put any on.”

Phoenix, linking arms with Agnes and swaying her slender waist, said, “Well, I am your sister, it's natural for me to worry.”

“Thanks, sis,” Agnes replied with a smirk. “So, where are we going to pick out your wedding dress?”

Phoenix answered, “Right here.”

Leading Agnes into a vast dressing room, Phoenix revealed, “The wedding dresses, Sean had them all shipped here. Creations from famous designers around the world. But I can’t decide which one to wear on the big day, so I need your help choosing.”

With that, Phoenix drew back a curtain. A dozen magnificent wedding dresses were unveiled, each more stunning than the last. Some were bedazzled with countless jewels, others boasted simple, elegant designs, and some carried a classical grace or a regal majesty.

Walking around, Agnes remarked, “Big brother really went all out. He’s brought the world’s most beautiful dresses here.”

A hint of pride gleamed in Phoenix's eyes, “Of course, he promised to bring the best of the world to my feet, whether jewels or his heart.”

Agnes couldn't help but praise, “Phoenix, you’re so lucky, about to become Sean's wife.”

Phoenix, with a playful lift of her eyebrows, said, “Sean's wife, I like the sound of that.”

Among all the dresses, one stood out—not for its traditional purity in white, but for its vivid, fiery red. The dress seemed to be made of scales, shimmering and eye-catching, with a large ruby encrusted at the chest, surrounded by smaller diamonds. The skirt's bright red tulle looked like a swirling cloud of smoke, especially with its tail folding in layers, stretching out for meters.

Noticing Agnes's intrigue with this particular dress, Phoenix approached, “What do you think? Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Agnes sincerely responded, “Truly beautiful.”

Phoenix, touching the dress, revealed, “I designed this dress myself. I sewed every jewel, every stitch. From the day I started making this dress to just yesterday when I finished, it took seven years.”

Agnes was astounded.

Phoenix smiled softly, “Seven years ago, Sean and I pledged ourselves to each other. My biggest dream has been to become his bride and settle down, leaving behind our lives of battles and bloodshed. Septima, do you know? Once Sean and I are married, he will leave the mercenary group, and we will move to a quaint village to live out our days in peace.”


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